E-mail us your occurrence at [email protected].
TODAY, Wednesday, Oct. 8
“Journalism Betrayed: The Jayson Blair Syndrome”
* Presented by the Manship School
* 3 – 5 p.m., Hill Memorial Conference Room
* Contact Walter Gabriel, 578-4810
“The Law and You”
* Workshop on handling yourself when encountered by the Police
* Presented by Omega Psi Phi
* 7:30 p.m., AACC
* Contact Steve Brockington, 766-7283
UPC Lively Arts Committee
* Meeting
* 4:30 p.m., Union Orleans Room
Women’s Center Brown Bag Lunch Series
* “These Hands Don’t Hurt” with Kim Munro
* 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., Women’s Center, Helen Carter House
United Methodist Campus Ministry
* Chapel Service at 8 p.m., come early for dinner at 7 p.m.
* 333 E. Chimes
Lutheran Student Fellowship
* Night Bible Study at 7 p.m.
* Evening Prayer Service at 8 p.m.
* 3235 Dalrymple
University Presbyterian Church
* 6 p.m., Taize Service, Simple Suppers for Students to follow
* Contact 383-0345
Union Art Gallery Committee
* Meeting concerning 2004-2005 gallery shows
* Everyone Invited
* 4:30 p.m.
* Contact Vince Puglisi or Judi Stahl, 578-5117
Career Services
* InterviewTRAK Workshop
* 7:30 – 8:30 p.m., 263B Coates
* Student Volunteer Fair
* 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Free Speech Alley
* Meeting
* 1119 CEBA
Kuumba Amateur Artists
* Informational session for all interested
* 6 – 7 p.m., AACC
* Contact Brandon, 578-7116
Black Student Union
* General body meeting
* 5:30 p.m., AACC
* Contact Brandon Smith, [email protected]
College Republican Alliance
* Suzanne Landry, representative from Polly Broussard’s campaign, will be speaking
* 8 p.m., Union Acadian Room
* Contact Chris, [email protected]
Engineering Council
* Meeting, focus on Corporate Gumbo Cookoff
* 5 p.m., 3515 CEBA
* Contact [email protected]
TOMORROW, Thursday, Oct. 9
Powerlifting Team
* Practice
* 6:30 p.m., Rec Center
* Contact Kenneth, 763-6701
Pi Sigma Epsilon
* General chapter meeting
* 6 p.m., 2172 CEBA
* General meeting
* 4:45 p.m., Union Vieux Carre Room
Grad School Application Seminar
* Sponsored by MARIS
* 4:30 p.m., 155 Coates
* Contact Dr. Marihol Diotz, 578-1141
Paintball Club @ LSU
* Meeting
* 7 p.m., 331 Union, Ouachita Room
Catholic Center
* Free Lunch
* 12 – 1 p.m.
* Highland @ Dalrymple
Baptist Collegiate Ministry
* International Lunch, free meal followed by cultural exchange with international students
* 12:10 – 12:50 p.m.
Psi Chi / Psychology Club
* Meeting, Careers in Social Work
* 4:45 p.m., 112 Audobon
* Dues for semester due
* Contact [email protected]
Alpha Kappa Alpha
* Program on alcohol awareness with Peggy Bates
* 7 p.m. AACC
* Contact Kaela Barnett, [email protected]
* Meeting with guest speaker Holly Clegg
* 6 p.m., Union Castillian Room
* Contact [email protected]
Campus Crusade for Christ
* 6:30 p.m., Chapel on the Campus, 3355 Dalrymple
University College Fall Scholarships
* Deadline October 10, 4:30 p.m.
* Applications available in 150 Allen or online, www.uc.lsu.edu
* Contact [email protected]
Swine Palace Presents: “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”
* Sept. 24 – Oct. 12
* 7:30 p.m., Tuesday – Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday
* For Tickets, 578-3527, www.swinepalace.org or Ticketmaster
* $12 students, $19 faculty and staff
Kwanzaa Committee
* Anyone wishing to participate contact Brandon 578-7116
* Taking applications in the AACC until Oct. 14
Arts and Sciences College
* Council Member at Large applications in SG office (324 Union) and A&S Office in Hodges
* Due Oct. 8
* Contact [email protected]
Ourso College of Business
* Food Drive Oct. 7 – 17
* All students and faculty encouraged to participate
United Way Campaign
* Student Involvement Week Oct. 6-10
* Volunteers are needed to work shifts at Can-Shake event Monday – Friday
* Students may also donate at the Can-Shake booth in Free Speech Alley
* Contact [email protected] or [email protected]
* Interviews Oct. 8-10
* Sign up outside SG Office in the Union
LSU Union Art Gallery
* Gettin’ Along; A History of Racial Integration in America
* Oct. 1 – Nov. 2, 2003
* 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., Monday – Friday; 1 p.m. – 5 p.m., Sunday
October 8, 2003