Homecoming, one of LSU’s most highly anticipated events, takes an extensive amount of planning.
Overall Chairperson Jeremy Joiner said the new committee has been working on this year’s Homecoming since it was selected last fall, following Homecoming 2002.
“The Homecoming Committee begins selecting new members shortly after Homecoming ends,” he said. “The four chairpersons and the 14 coordinators are chosen in late fall, after Homecoming of that year.”
Joiner said general committee members are chosen at the beginning of the spring semester, then again at the beginning of the fall semester. This year, the entire committee is made up of more than 50 members.
“Committee members work together to assist in the general planning of Homecoming, and everything from theme selection to marketing activities,” he said. “Meetings are held on Thursday afternoons, and all committee members are expected to attend all meetings.”
Joiner said members of the committee have various roles.
“Coordinators each have a specific event or activity that they are responsible for producing,” he said. “Each of the coordinators is under one of three assistant chairpersons, who oversee the coordinators’ planning.”
Joiner said his job as overall chairperson is to oversee the committee and production of the entire Homecoming event.
The Homecoming Committee is responsible for planning and facilitating about 14 different events and activities, each planned by the 14 coordinators.
Joiner said the Purple & Gold Games, lip-sync contest, run-around scavenger hunt, a food drive and a decorations contest are the five competitive events.
“Participation in any of these activities is open to any student organization or group of students wishing to compete,” he said.
The events open to the public are a 5K race, pep rally, concert, Friday Fright Fest, and parade.
“This year the pep rally and concert will be held on the same day to create one giant event called The Tiger Experience, featuring appearances by LSU football players, LSU Cheerleaders, Tiger Band and Golden Girls,” Joiner said
General member John Starr said students can look forward to this year’s Homecoming events topping those of years past.
“Last year, many events had to be canceled because of Hurricane Lili,” he said. “So we’re dedicated to making this year a bang.”
Starr said the public also will enjoy the Better than Ezra concert.
“In previous years there was an admission fee for the concert,” he said. “This year concert-goers can enjoy the band free of charge.”
Joiner said there are also internal activities the committee is responsible for such as obtaining judges for events, media relations, general marketing and technical relations.
Technical relations coordinator Ian Navarre’s job was to build the Web site for Homecoming, which includes making sure court member profiles are intact to provide students with online voting for the King and Queen candidates.
“LSU students are very spirited, so Homecoming is one of our biggest events,” he said. “The committee works for a year to make this memorable for the students, which includes a lot of behind the scenes work to ensure a smooth operation.”
Joiner said the week of events is intended to promote spirit among the University and the community, especially about sports, and to welcome alumni back to the University.
“The Homecoming committee plans the largest, longest celebration on this campus,” he said. “The Homecoming committee’s goals are to keep the campus tradition of Homecoming going, each year hoping to add a little something more to the celebration.”
Committee oversees events for festivities
October 30, 2003