Campus fraternities still contribute
As the semester rapidly approaches the midway point, fraternities on campus have already actively contributed to LSU. Below is a little insight into exactly how IFC fraternities are contributing.
From Sept. 22-27 Lambda Chi Alpha held Watermelon Bust. The annual event raised more than $15,000 for the Bishop Ott Shelter with more than 500 individuals participating. On Oct. 18, Delta Sigma Phi will host its annual kickball philanthropy.
During the spring semester of 2003, fraternity men earned an average GPA of 2.846, which was higher than the undergraduate men’s average of 2.793. Delta Sigma Phi had the highest fraternity GPA of 3.039.
During the 2002-2003 academic year, fraternities and sororities at LSU donated more than $130,000 to various charities and performed more that 35,000 service hours in the community.
This past summer, members of the Interfraternity council traveled to the Louisiana War Veteran’s Home in Jackson. In addition to painting the Family Room, they had a great opportunity to interact with the veterans and the veterans’ families.
Fraternities are continuing to contribute to the LSU campus and community. As the semester and academic year progresses, these organizations will only continue to give back to LSU in many ways.
Robert Lay
Vice President, Public Relations
Interfraternity Council of LSU
Letter to the Editor
October 8, 2003