Poor Jessica Simpson. She hasn’t gained the popularity and fame as other blonde and once-blonde female pop stars like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Mandy Moore. And with her recent exploitation on the MTV series “Newlyweds,” the media is having a field day making fun of Simpson’s daily dumb remarks.
“Newlyweds,” which MTV renewed for a second season, documents Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey’s newlywed lives into a 30 minute show each week. This reality show is just like “The Osbournes,” but less entertaining.
While Lachey plays Mr. Fix-it around their new mansion, Simpson constantly complains and says really ridiculous things. Not only does the entire nation listen to her ramble and ask asinine questions, but media outlets are making fun of her “blondeness.”
“TIME” took a cheap shot at Simpson in their Oct. 20 issue. The magazine reserved a quarter of a page comparing Simpson’s dumb comments with Rev. Pat Robertson’s dicey political commentary. The magazine also listed three unintelligible comments from “Newlyweds.” Two of the three examples explore Simpson’s culinary cluelessness.
One quote recalls an incident at a restaurant where Simpson doesn’t want to order buffalo wings, and her reasoning is, “I don’t eat buffalo . . . It’s not[made of buffalo]? Then why are they called buffalo wings?” At those words Lachey’s face looked as if he were in a state of shock and terror.
The other food quote refers to Simpson’s fascination with a can of tuna. “Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish? I know its tuna, but it says ‘Chicken by the Sea.'” Hmm, I thought it was “Chicken of the Sea.”
MTV’s Web site, www.mtv.com, has a Top 3 “Jessica Moments” on their “Newlyweds” page. In order to relive her stupidity a person can click on the links to view clips of Simpson spewing nonsense.
For instance, one clip shows her birthday episode where she goes on and on about how turning 23 is almost 25, and that’s almost her mid-20s.
Now people can laugh at her again and again. When the television station you work for mocks you for being dim-witted and you have any integrity at all, then perhaps a second season isn’t the best idea.
Being the talker that she is, Simpson constantly is uttering idiocies. And if she’s not, then it’s the episode where she sunbathes in the pool all day.
Although, it is fascinating to watch two not-so-famous entertainers go on trips, make music videos, and fight like real people, Jessica Simpson really needs to reevaluate her “dumb blonde” image.
The world knows that she’s not very bright, and another season will only give the media more fuel for jeering at her.
Simpson fits blonde stereotype
October 23, 2003