The University is offering flu shots to students this week in an effort to combat the disease.
Dr. Timothy Honigman, chief of staff at the Student Health Center, said doctors do not have any way to know how serious the flu season will be this year.
Honigman said the flu season runs from December to March.
This flu season has been severe in Texas, with flu cases reaching higher than normal levels across the state, especially in Houston. The Texas Department of Health has issued warnings across the state and has encouraged residents to get the flu vaccine.
Honigman said he has not seen an alarming amount of cases this year.
“A few students have come in with some flu symptoms, but I wouldn’t at all call it an epidemic here,” Honigman said.
Honigman said college students are susceptible to the flu because the germs are easily transmitted through coughing, sneezing or nose-blowing.
“When you have students in close spaces in dorms, apartments or classrooms, it’s easy for the germs to spread,” Honigman said.
Honigman said the flu shot gives the body immunity to the virus.
“Within two weeks, it is 80 to 85 percent effective,” Honigman said.
Honigman said the shot increases the body’s antibodies and provides extra defense against the flu.
Honigman said the Student Health Center takes one week each year to provide shots to University students, faculty and staff.
“The response is generally good, but I wish the student response would be better,” Honigman said.
Some students were not enthusiastic about the flu shots being offered.
“I’ve never gotten a flu shot,” said Nicole Rios, a mass communication sophomore. “I don’t like shots, so I’m not getting one.”
Emily Schult, a mass communication sophomore, said she does not think the shots are very effective.
“I’ve gotten flu shots in the past, and I still got the flu, so I don’t think I’ll be getting one this year,” Schult said.
The flu shots are being offered from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday at the Student Health Center. The shots cost $8 for students and $12 for University faculty, staff and retirees.
Doctor urges students to receive flu shots
October 21, 2003