“What concerns me most is moving beyond rhetoric and focusing on more specific objectives. It’s no secret Louisiana is in dire need of aggressive, innovative and charismatic leadership. We need someone to galvanize the spirit of this state.”
Brandon Smith
Black Student Union, president
“It would be ideal if the elected candidate was more understanding to the LGBT community and its needs. None of the candidates have really reached out to us as a community, so we just hope that our new governor will be responsive to the concerns of our community.”
Marissa Frye
Spectrum Alliance, co-chairman
“I think this election is a true crossroad for Louisiana. We can’t continue to proceed down the road of wasteful spending, high taxes and unsatisfactory education. I believe Bobby Jindal will make it possible to stay in this state after graduation and still live a good life.”
Valery Cotton
TAF Collegiate Club, vice president
“I want a governor who will give more consideration to student input on issues like TOPS and higher education. I also want a governor who makes improvement of the education system a top priority.”
Alton McGee
Progressive Student Alliance, president
“I think the most important thing to remember is to vote in the first place. I think we need a governor who will give back to this university and uphold the traditions it has worked so hard to establish and allow its current leaders to make it better for the future.”
Colin Shea
Student Alumni Association, president
“I think that someone who stands for a sense of community and supports the chancellor’s flagship agenda is vital to Louisiana’s students. Higher education is something that is important to all of us or we wouldn’t be here at LSU working for a common goal.”
Lori Barber
Panhellenic Council, president
“There are only two major candidates who are committed to local control of our schools, vouchers, slashing taxes and creating a pro-business environment that will create new jobs in Louisiana – Republicans Bobby Jindal and Hunt Downer. A vote for either will move this state forward.”
Shawn Hanscom
College Republican Alliance, president
“Students are mainly concerned with two things – getting the classes they need and getting a good job when they graduate. We should support the candidate that has the most viable economic development plan that focuses on bringing new jobs to Louisiana.”
Roy Misita
Young Politicians of America, president
“I would hope the newly elected governor would back the chancellor’s flagship agenda so this university could continue to succeed and help its students find jobs in Louisiana after they graduate.”
Amanda Sadat
Union Program Council, president
“Louisiana’s next governor should be someone that will improve our public education system. We need a governor that will sell Louisiana to businesses across the world and will protect us and keep Louisiana safe. That is why I support Hunt Downer for governor.”
Scott Levy
Interfraternity Council, president
“The new governor needs to have a working knowledge and understanding of Louisiana and its people, a real passion for their job and the ability to show mercy to the less fortunate citizens of our state.”
Jeff Landrum
Student Environmental Action Coalition, president
Our LEADERS’ thoughts
October 1, 2003