Five years ago most people would not have known the name Jack Black, but now he is everywhere. The rocker/comedian/actor made the transition from Al’s Bar in downtown Los Angeles in 1994 to HBO, MTV, the big screen and Epic Records.
Black is busy these days. With his new movie, “School of Rock,” hitting theaters this Friday, a Tenacious D movie in the works and not to mention publicity, publicity, publicity he probably doesn’t find himself wondering how he can save himself from boredom each day.
Revelry joined twelve journalists in a conference call with Black on Thursday.
According to the highly entertaining and silly interview he gave, the man who calls himself Jambles probably is that silly and hilarious every day.
In his upcoming movie “School of Rock,” Black and the cast of young kids flex their musical talent and rock for the majority of the movie. Black gave the kids all the credit for rocking audiences’ socks off.
“They were all much better at their instruments than I am at mine. They actually were very skilled, and that was part of the reason they were cast. [The director] wanted to get great musicians. I was the only problem,” Black said.
This comment is a bit hard to believe since he has a “Tenacious D” that encompasses both his great humor and his musical talent.
Furthermore, he already has displayed his sweet set of vocals on the big screen in High Fidelity as the lead singer of Sonic Death Monkey.
Because Black seems to incorporate his zany persona into many of his movie characters, a person wonders how much say he has in the scripts.
Black admitted his role of Jim Dewey in “School of Rock” best reflects his energetic personality, and he touched on his contribution to the role Mike White wrote for him.
“I would have done it as-is, but you always want to make little tweaks and adjustments,” Black said. “If you think of a script as a car, and this was a Ferrari, when I pulled up in my driveway I was thinking I didn’t want the leather seats. I wanted the plush velvet seats. And he did it. He put me in there.”
Although most of the interview revolved around “School of Rock,” Black did cap off the session with a glimpse of what to expect from the Tenacious D movie in the works.
“I’m going to bring the big stuff, and if you don’t like it – I got to think of something funny to say – if you don’t like it, you can go to the small subtle movie that’s playing next door,” Black said. “It’s called ‘Delicacy of Mr. Poopinlunge’.”
In an attempt to explain some of Black’s outlandish remarks, it is important to realize that, as he claimed, he was under the influence of Tylenol.
Either way, he is one wild and crazy guy.
Black takes nation by storm, hilarity ensues
September 29, 2003