Throw out the yellow pages, job-seekers. Internet sites, such as and, make finding a job as easy as 1-2-3.
According to the Web site, in addition to searching for jobs in their hometown, applicants can use the site to search for 800,000 jobs from other cities across the country.
The Web site allows applicants to open a free Monster account, where they will be able to save applications, resumés and search for jobs. Job-seekers can receive more than 1,000 pages of career advice on networking and diversity as well as resumé-writing tips. The site features a program to help applicants master interviews.
The Web site also allows applicants to search abroad for jobs in places such as Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America.
In 2003, the site was awarded the WEDDLE’s User Choice Award as the most “Job-Seeker Friendly.”
WEDDLE’s is a publishing, research, consulting and training company for employment resources., a Yahoo Company, is another Web site applicants can use to search for jobs.
According to, in July 2003, the Web site added additional features that attempt to match applicants with professionals.
“‘HotJobs’ is continually striving to offer job-seekers the best resources and employers access to qualified candidates,” said Christopher Jones, a career columnist for HotJobs.
According to, the site is the first to provide a feature such as the “proposed jobs function.”
“Proposed jobs” service suggests jobs to applicants according to job searches the person has saved on the site.
The site also offers suggested searches, where job-seekers are shown how to expand their search for job opportunities.
According to an April 8, 2003, press release, the Web site was awarded its’ second WEDDLE’s User Choice Awards for “Best General Purpose Job Board.”
Jones said the results are based on 5,000 ballots with categories such as most job-seeker friendly and recruiter friendly.
Users also can create their own personalized job searches, where they can save searches and have results e-mailed to them. supplies an abundance of tips and career advice to applicants.
Jones said in June 2003, HotJobs began to offer ResumeEdge service in which applicants can have their resumé written by professionals.
ResumeEdge also is in partnership with
According to the Web site, applicants can research salaries and are provided with a “Job Tip of the Day.”
HotJobs is committed to the service it provides, Jones said. This can be seen in the double digit increase of job postings and the surge of online users.
The site can be accessed by double clicking on the HotJobs icon on the yahoo home page, and users will need a yahoo user name and password to sign-in.
University students can visit the Career Services Web site to search for job tips and methods for finding part-time jobs while they are at the University.
Mary Feduccia, Director of Career Services, said it is important for students to become members of TigerTRAK because it provides students with access to jobs that will give them work experience.
Feduccia said TigerTRAK allows students to access part-time and full-time jobs.
She also said students can also access internships and Co-op jobs through the Web site.
Feduccia said Co-op jobs are great for students because they are jobs related to a student’s major.
Students who have Co-op jobs work for two to three semesters and earn an average of $2,700 a semester, Feduccia said.
She said University students who have had Co-op jobs usually get the best jobs when they graduate because they have the experience they need.
She said while sites such as are good, they usually do not provide students with the jobs they need.
“A lot of jobs on are professional and require five to 10 years of experience,” Feduccia said.
She said TigerTRAK’s goal is to provide students with experience through internships and Co-op. Feduccia said students also can use the Career Services Web site to get tips on resumé writing.
Students can create resumés, and then upload them on the Web site, she said.
Feduccia said students can create up to 10 copies of their resumé and save them online.
Another service offered by Tiger Trak is a mock interview, Feduccia said.
She said students can make appointments with counselors in Career Services, and have a mock interview stage.
The interview is videotaped and played back for the student to see, Feduccia said.
Feduccia said students who participate in the Interview program leave “feeling confident and prepared.”
Feduccia said students benefit from using TigerTRAK, because they have access to job-finding resources.
She said students who become a member of TigerTRAK have access to Interview Trak, which has detailed information about recruiting taking place on campus.
Before activating Interview Trak, students must attend workshops given by Career Services.
For more information, contact [email protected]
Internet sites aid jobseekers
September 18, 2003