Coffee shops have become a part of student’s everyday lives. On campus or off, coffee is a drink enjoyed by almost everyone, and coffee shops have become the place where it all happens; study groups, meetings, and late night chats with friends.
Baton Rouge has its fair share of coffee havens, including many chain stores and some unique local shops. Starbucks on College drive, with its comfortable lounge chairs, dim lighting, and interesting artwork, is a relaxing place to spend time.
Abrie Soileau is a Mass Communications Sophomore at LSU. She also works at Starbucks on College.
She says “The reason Starbucks is so famous is because we have extremely high standards and our service is legendary.”
Starbucks attracts many kinds of people, and quite a few of them are regulars. Lindsay Mohney, a Kineseology sophomore says she goes to Starbucks to study.
“I just come here, it’s just quieter than where I live.”
Another chain shop, CC’s Coffee on Highland also has some unique qualities. Bar style seating inside, and covered iron tables outside make CC’s a perfect place to study or gather with friends.
Tim Fagon, a sophomore Science major at LSU has worked at CC’s for almost 2 years. He says what makes CC’s unique is the ingredients in their coffee and espresso.
Community coffee is used in every coffee drink at CC’s. Tim says CC’s has its share of regulars.
“We have people who come here 3 and 4 times a day,” he said. “People tend to order the ‘Mochassippi’ more than anything… it is the drink we are famous for.”
Jackie White, a sophomore Design major, and Kelly Diket, a BRCC Nursing sophomore, enjoy spending time at CC’s. Jackie says being there helps her concentrate on studying.
“I just like that I can sit here and smoke cigs and study at the same time,” she said.
Among the local favorites is “Perks,” located on Perkins road. Perks attracts people of all ages with its classical music and interesting artwork.
Outside, Perks has a deck with plenty of seating, and inside there is enough space between tables to walk around and stretch.
Emily Whitaker, a junior Liberal Arts major works at Perks. She says Perks stands out among corporate coffee shops because of its atmosphere. Perks is also unique because they roast their own coffee beans.
Whitaker said “We have 5 different blends of coffee and we switch the medium every day.”
“We are most famous for our iced teas and our granita,” she said. Kevin Crum, a New Orleans resident who comes to Baton Rouge to visit friends, says he enjoys coming to Perks.
“It has been home for a dozen years,” he said.
David Butt, a resident of Baton Rouge, says he has gone to Perks for at least 10 years. “It’s an old habit,” he said.
Another well known local shop, Highland Coffees, is a favorite student study place.
Located on Chimes street, Highland is probably the most well known local shop.
Bobby Sextone, an English senior, works at Highland. He says Highland has the best coffee because they have roasted their own coffee beans for over 50 years. He also said Highland has the best atmosphere partly because of their outside courtyard.
“Even though I work here 6 hours on most days, I still come here to study because of the atmosphere,” he said. Nicky Lyons, a Sociology senior who has worked at Highland for almost 4 years says the reason Highland is so nice is because the people who work there are friendly.
“We keep employees for a long time,” she said. Above all, coffee shops are famous for peaceful surroundings and welcoming smells. Tracy To, a junior music major, said “I love coffee shops because the atmosphere is so relaxing.”
Local, chain coffee shops not only for caffeine fix
September 8, 2003

Local, chain coffee shops not only for caffeine fix