The campus Domino’s Pizza location may be removed from the Laville Food Emporium as part of the University Master Plan.
Mark Kraner, Contracted Auxiliary Services director, said about a year ago, Master Plan officials identified the Highland Dining Hall location as a possible location for a new parking garage.
Kraner said at that time, his office, along with LSU Dining, began to look at possible alternatives should the dining hall be destroyed. One of the options was to relocate the Highland dining services to the Laville Food Emporium and the area Domino’s currently occupies.
Kraner said the University informed Domino’s early in the process of the possible changes.
Ray Williams, Domino’s franchisee, said he was informed of the possible changes last year. However, Williams said Chartwells officials later told him the plan was on hold.
In August, LSU Dining sent Williams a letter informing him that “the present timeline would require the Domino’s space to be vacated by summer 2004.”
Williams said he does not think the University can remove his location because of the lease agreement. His attorneys reviewing the lease.
In addition, Williams said he thinks the possible move “shows a total lack of respect for students.”
Kraner said there are no current plans to find an alternative on-campus location for Domino’s. Although plans can change, Kraner said there is a “strong possibility” that the Highland dining space will have to be cleared for a parking garage.
In addition, Kraner said LSU Dining officials like the Laville Emporium location because it is closer to most dorms than the dining hall.
Kraner said even if Domino’s is removed from campus, it would not lose access to campus.
“It does not stop him from serving students,” Kraner said.
Students said they did not think the possible move would affect them.
“I don’t really eat Domino’s, but it might affect other people who do,” said Courtney Mascarella, a dietetics senior.
Rodrick Jarrell, a business freshman, said he thought the move would not be good for those who eat Domino’s often.
“It would probably be an inconvenience to them,” Jarrell said.
Campus Domino’s location may be removed
September 11, 2003

Campus Domino’s location may be removed