Thanks to ‘Good Samaritans’
Let me tell you a bit about my day Friday. I had a draft of an essay due at 10:30, and at 10:00 both of the residence hall printers which I use decided to break.
I gathered my belongings and ran outside, where at that very moment, the heavens opened. Now essay-less and soaking wet, my boyfriend offered to drive me to the library where I could print out my essay.
Being a freshman, I entered the library feeling extremely small and lost. The man at the reference desk pointed me to a room in the back where I was to print out my essay (now due in 15 minutes).
I frantically ran around the room, asking people how this Pharos thing is supposed to work. “Do you have Tiger Cash?” asked the man working in the lab that day. I, of course, do not. He pointed me to a machine where I could insert cash and it would deposit money onto my Tiger Card. Unfortunately, I had no cash. “Does anyone want to just GIVE me a dollar?” I ask. No one even looked at me. So I exit all the programs on the computer, recognizing defeat. All of a sudden, someone comes and hands me a dollar bill, and then walks away (random act of kindness #1). I thank him, then rush to the machine. Unfortunately, the machine says I do not have a valid account. I see defeat once again, and ask the front desk if they have a printer, because I have no money, no Tiger Cash, and a paper due in 5 minutes.
They say they cannot help me. My eyes begin to water, I start to sniffle, and I realize that there is no hope for me. I walk out of the library, prepared to face the pouring rain and an F for the day, when I hear “Miss?” Someone was going to help me!
Someone working behind the desk heard my problem and offered to print out all of my papers using his Tiger Card (random act of kindness #2).
This entire story may seem trivial to most people, but for a little lost freshman, it really showed that you are not so alone and lost at such a huge school.
This is my formal “Thank you” to these two individuals, whoever you are.
Natalie Naquin
mass communication
Cuffist should have an open mind
Thank you Mr. Gordan. Finally someone says what we’ve all been thinking.
The Cuffist can only claim her column is written from an extreme viewpoint as being ‘satire’ so many times before we speak out.
It is not her political views that have prompted me to second Mr. Gordan’s call for her removal, but as with Mr. Gordan, it is her supposed open mindedness.
She has said that in “Cufftopia” there would be no need to protest the Commandments and gives her reason.
True, there would be no need to protest, because non-Christians would realize there is such a thing as a Christian, who is a person and has the same right to their beliefs.
She further says there would be no need to bribe one’s friends to take those science classes so they could go write and paint instead.
She seems forget, or is it ignore, that this is an A&M college, so most students would prefer to bribe her to take their art electives so they can go take a science class.
Given her track record, I’m sure she’ll complain about the assumptions made about what she drives, completely ignoring that she made the same assupmtion.
Which brings me to the one word that was missing from Mr. Gordan’s letter, the H word. As in “The new cuffist is a huge H.” Thats right, hypocrite.
You can only claim a column is written from an extreme viewpoint as ‘satire’ so many times before we use that right that she so covets but obviously wishes the rest of us didn’t have, free speech.
David Perrin
Post-game traffic unnecessary hassle
After LSU football’s defeat of W. Illinois was the most frustrating driving experience I’ve had in a while. My husband and I have gone to LSU football games for over 30 years but the traffic after Saturday’s game was the worst. We parked behind the Rec Center, quite a walk, but we figured it would be easy to get out. We couldn’t have made a poorer choice. We left the game and proceeded up to S. Stadium Drive (which is 2 lanes in one direction to Stanford) but were turned back by a barricade! The moron that decided a barricade at that S. Stadium and W. Lakeshore was a good idea should be fired. So instead of getting in the queue to get off campus we were rerouted back down W. Lakeshore drive. It took us 45 minutes to get from the LSU Press Building to Dalrymple, a half mile trip.
We could see the helicopter overhead trying to find the stalled car or accident, but there was none. There is just too much traffic for that little road to handle. If we had the option of going to Dalrymple or S. Stadium that area would have cleared much quicker.
I’ve heard Mr. Bertman’s sympathetic cry “take the bus”. I’ve heard the point that LSU has sold 20,000 more tickets and the campus just can’t handle the load. But there is no reason for blocking a street and rerouting to a slower street.
LSU Football tickets – $84
Sitting in traffic for 2 1/2 hours – frustrating
Judy Collins
LSU Employee