Holy crap.
You people are witnessing the end of the world.
Who would have guessed that we really would “blame Canada?”
The Canadian House of Commons passed a bill last week that could consider the Bible hate speech because of certain passages that deem homosexuality detestable.
No, really, this is holy crap.
Everyone needs to break out the highwaters because the hell fire is going to melt the Canadian ice caps.
This is probably one of the most blantant examples of the pillage of free speech I have heard in my natural life.
This is where I draw the line.
This doesn’t advance anyone’s rights. It, in fact, takes them away.
To call the Bible hate speech is like calling black white.
The Bible is based on the golden rule, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”
The authors of the Bible are probably turning over in their graves.
The Canadian House of Commons needs to worry about the violence and criminal actions of hate – like genocide and gay bashing.
They, however, do not need to get their hands messy in the words that incite these actions.
Free speech is what I rely on as a journalist. It should be what everyone relies on as Americans.
I have no problem with hate speech. It is speech after all.
However, hate crimes are a different ballgame.
The Canadian law goes a little something like this:
“Every one who, by communicating statements in any public place, incites hatred against any identifiable group where such incitement is likely to lead to a breach of the peace is guilty of:
(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.”
Reading that makes me happy to be an American.
I can’t imagine not having the First Amendment backing me up.
The author of the bill, Svend Robinson, the first openly gay memeber of Parliament, said, “It’s been a good day for equality in Canada.”
Sir, it may be a good day for equality, but not for freedom.
By opening up literature like the Bible to the category of hate speech just because it says how it feels about homosexuality, we might as well just censor all great works that had anything passionate to say.
Come on, Canada.
Hate speech is inexcusable. Free speech is necessary.
Hell freezes over, eh? We call it Canada.
September 26, 2003