Heath Ledger plays Alex Bermier, a young priest in a religious order trained to investigate supernatural occurrences.
When his mentor is mysteriously murdered in Rome, he is sent to investigate. Accompanied by his love interest Mara Sinclair (Shannyn Sossamon), Alex investigates and discovers that an elusive Sin Eater committed the murder.
A sin eater is an entity with the power to forgive sins without the permission of the Catholic Church.
Along with fighting this powerful adversary, Alex must deal with his conflicting emotions and faith.
This film reunites Ledger, Sossamon, and writer/director Brian Helgeland, who worked together on “A Knight’s Tale.” While Helgeland means to take us on a dark journey of murder and suspense, it turns out to be a cheap thrill ride packed full of mediocre storytelling and lackluster special effects.
The choppiness of the plot made the story often confusing and unbelievable.
While the concept had much potential, the execution was just too out of “Order.”
“The Order”
September 11, 2003

“The Order”