Monday, Sept. 15
MLK Commemorative Committee
* Meeting
* 4:30 p.m., Union Ouachita Room
* Contact Steven Nelson, [email protected]
College of Business Administration
* Reception with the Dean of the Ourso College
* 3 p.m., North CEBA courtyard
Delta Sigma Theta
* Alcohol Awareness
* 7 p.m., AACC
Baptist Collegiate Ministry
* Monday Lunch, free lunch followed by a speaker
* 11:40 a.m. –
12:20 p.m.
Catholic Student Center
* Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
* 8:30 p.m. – 11:30 p.m., in the Church, Highland @ Dalrymple
Tuesday, Sept. 16
Alpha Phi Alpha
* Party
* 10 p.m. – 2 a.m., 3575 N. Acadian Thruway, Velvet
* Contact Charles Jones, 334-1002
Powerlifting Team
* Practice
* 6:30 p.m., Rec Center
* Contact Kenneth Reynolds, 763-6701
* 6 p.m., PMAC
* Contact UPC or OMA for info
Habitat for Humanity
* First meeting
* 6 p.m., Room 005 Lockett
UPC Black Culture
* Meeting
* 4 p.m., Union Council Room
* Contact Andrea Allen, [email protected]
Antipop Music Coalition
* 9 p.m., Union Castillian Room
* Contact Alexis, [email protected]
LSU Army
* Night Vision
Goggle Night,
experience how they work
* 8 p.m. – 9:30 p.m., Military Science BuildingONGOING
Blazer Chapter of Mortar Board
* Accepting
applications for Top
10 Freshmen of
* Student must have been registered
freshman with GPA of 3.3 or higher
* Apps. available in 122 Johnston,
due Sept. 30 by
4:30 p.m.
Minority Action Team
* Get an application from Student Government Office, Union 324
* Due Sept. 19
Zeta Phi Beta Auction
* All males interesting in being in the
auction email Lucy, [email protected]
or Tasha, [email protected]
MLK Commemorative Committee
* Applications for
chairperson, team
leaders, and
administrative assistant available in the OMA
* Due Sept. 16 by
5 p.m.
* Contact Steven Nelson, [email protected]
Gamma Theta Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi
* Co-ed Honor Fraternity
* Info nights, September 15 and 16, 241 Himes
* Contact Richard, 334-4685, or
Omicron Delta Kappa National Leadership Honor Society
* Applications available through September 16 in Union 310
* Must be junior or senior, definite major and top 35% of class
* Contact Sonja Ardoin, [email protected]
African American Cultural Center
* Incoming freshman and sophomores
looking for leadership? Join Excel.
* Apps. available and are due Sept. 16 in the AACC
Genesis Tutoring
* Free tutoring in Math, Science, and Foreign Languages
* M-Th 5 p.m. – 9 p.m., Office of Multicultural Affairs, 326 A Union
* Contact OMA,
After Ten
* Commisioner
applications are
available, room 304
of the Union
* Due by 4:30 p.m., Sept. 17
September 15, 2003