Baptist Collegiate Ministry
* International Lunch
* Free meal followed by cultural exchange between US and International Students
* 12:10 – 12:50 p.m.
Paintball Club @ LSU
* Informational meeting
* 7 p.m., Union Ouachita Room, 331
Pi Sigma Epsilon
* General chapter meeting
* 6 p.m., 2172 CEBA
Student Christian Medical Association
* Bible Study
* 4:45 p.m., Chapel on the Campus
* Contact Adrien, [email protected]
Powerlifting Team
* Practice
* 6:30 p.m., Rec Center
* Contact Kenneth, 763-6701 Rotaract
* General meeting
* 4:45 p.m., Union Vieux Carre Room
Psi Chi/ Psychology Club
* Meeting
* 4:45 p.m., 112 Audubon
* Contact Earl, [email protected]
Campus Crusade for Christ
* 6:30 p.m., The Chapel on the Campus 3355 Dalyrmple
* Meeting, Speaker Rusty Jabou, asst. to Gov. Foster, Director of Policy
* 6 p.m., Union Castillian Room
* Contact Megan Monsour, [email protected]
Student Environmental Action Coalition
* Informational meeting, free pizza and beverages
* 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., Hill Farm
* Contact Jeff Landrum, 343-4643 MSPPS
* 7 p.m., 201 Williams
* Contact Ahmad Evans, 334-3636
Reinventing the Game
* Girls and guys, try out to be on KLSU’s dating game.
* Win a date and free tickets for a night out.
* Audition 12 – 3 p.m., B-51 Hodges
* Contact [email protected]
Collegiate 4-H
* Meeting, Officer Elections
* 4:45 p.m., Knapp Hall
* Contact Ashley, [email protected]
* LSU Apostolic Knowledge Exchange
* Acoustic worship and Bible study
* 7 p.m., Union Vermillion Room
* Contact [email protected]
Gamma Beta Phi
* National Honor and Service Society
* Mandatory meeting for members
* 5:30 p.m., Union Atchafalaya Room
Friday, Sept. 26
Catholic Student Center
* Pray the Rosary
* 6 p.m., Highland @ Dalrymple
Hill Farm Community Garden
* 4:30 p.m., Hill Farm Teaching Facility
* Contact Jason, 673-6523
Rolegaming and Wargaming @ LSU
* Roleplaying and Gaming @ Tureaud
* 7 p.m. – until
* Contact [email protected]
Career Services
* InterviewTRAK Workshop
* 11:30 – 12:30 p.m., 232 Middleton
* Get an application from Union 310
* Due Oct. 1
Blazer Chapter of Mortar Board
* Accepting applications for Top 10 Freshmen of 2002-2003
* Student must have been registered freshman with GPA of 3.3 or higher
* Apps. available in 122 Johnston, due Sept. 30 by 4:30 p.m.
Zeta Phi Beta Auction
* All males interesting in being in the auction email Lucy, [email protected] or Tasha, [email protected]
Arts and Sciences College
* Council Member at Large applications in SG office (324 Union) and A&S Office in Hodges.
* Due Oct. 8
* Contact [email protected]
Kumba Amateur Artists
* Anyone with painting talents call Wallace, 578-7115
* Now accepting applications in the AACC, due Oct. 6 Phi Beta Sigma
* Anyone interested, contact Brandon, 663-3282 or [email protected]
Swine Palace Presents: “Mar Rainey’s Black Bottom”
* Sept. 24 – Oct. 12
* 7:30 p.m,. Tues-Sat; 2 p.m. Sun
* For Tickets, 578-3527, or Ticketmaster
* $12 Students, $19 Faculty and Staff
Genesis Tutoring
* Free tutoring in Math, Science, and Foreign Languages
* M-Th 5 p.m. – 9 p.m., Office of Multicultural Affairs, 326 A Union
* Contact OMA, 578-4339
LSU Theatre Studio
Season Presents: “The Big Funk”
* Sept 24 – Oct 1
7:30 p.m., Music and Dramatic Arts Bldg.
* $6 suggested donation
September 25, 2003