I am glad to see our University finally got its priorities straight last week. I was beginning to wonder when we would finally recognize that we are all here for athletics, with academics being secondary.
Well, that recognition came last week when the Board of Supervisors approved an $85-$400 surcharge on all seats (except students, visitors and TAF owned seats) in Tiger Stadium to be implemented during the 2004-2005 season.
As the resolution states in granting approval of this fee, we need this fee in order to be nationally competitive.
After all, a school with only a BCS victory two years ago, a baseball team that has won five National Championships in the last decade and track teams that win title after title is obviously not nationally competitive.
Also, we need this money for improvements.
Tiger Stadium is clearly not adequate, we need to tear down that west side and make it match the east side so it will look pretty. And the football practice fields?
We definitely need to make sure our coaches’ offices are right next to it so they don’t have to walk across the street. I can certainly see the need for this fee now.
This fee will also measure our fans’ devotion.
It is not enough that they bleed purple and gold, they need to bleed green.
We need to make sure we get as much money out of them as possible.
What about poorer people who have been season ticket holders forever and can’t afford the new surcharge, you ask?
Well if you can’t bleed the green, then it’s time you get out of the stadium.
After all, we don’t want to force the bourgeoisie class to mix with the proletariat class in Tiger Stadium.
We definitely need to make the distinction according to your standing in life – if you’re poor you don’t need to be in the stadium; if you’re rich then come on!
I want to take this opportunity to thank the Board of Supervisors for its supreme wisdom in this matter.
I sit in awe of how in touch you are with the people.
The next time you have another one of those corporate greed seminars – I mean board meetings – let me know; I will have to attend.
Donald Hodge
3rd Year
Law Student
Academics take back seat to athletics
August 25, 2003