I have a tough job.
I have to make sure racists get to say what they want to say on the same page as the Vegetarian Student Associoation. I have to run letters about how the Confederate flag is stupid and then run a column about how it is the greatest thing ever. I have to make sure that I am right and you are not as right as me.
Anyway, I hope I don’t piss off anyone too much.
Since everyone else got to say a little bit about themselves, I figure I should give away a few of my secrets.
When I grow up, I want to be a page designer for a major fashion magazine in New York City.
I realize this doesn’t rank high on the masculinity scale but it does force me to see supermodels everyday.
I have been working at the Reveille for a long time- longer than I think I really wanted to. My dad is a general in the military.
Did I mention I was into fashion magazines?
I better get this next part over with.
I am a Greek.
OK. I know what you are thinking. You think Greeks are just good for making cups and T-shirts.
We are. Some of us are good at making cups, T-shirts AND newspapers.
After I retire from fashion magazines, I want to be the voice over guy for movie previews.
I think he has the world’s perfect job.
I really like raggae music.
I don’t really like country music. It lacks substance.
I can’t stand when people have double standards. I hate lying. And, the world would be better without kids with Kool-Aid hands.
I am a political mut.
I am an independent but I consistently vote Republican.
Not because I love their conservatism (in fact, I hate it), it’s usually because they were at one point a Democrat and now fall somewhere in the middle.
Enough about me.
You will hear more about my dirty laudry later this semester.
As for why I am here:
This page is a forum for free thought and compelling debate.
We want to break down the world around you to make it easier for you to stay well-informed and educated.
We added things like the sex column and the fitness column to keep your mind and body sound.
We want to help you make a decision about who to vote for during October’s governor race.
We want to make sure this campus is running as smoothly as the public relations department makes it sound.
I hope that you will read the columns that will appear on these pages with an open mind while still being candid and, to put it frankly, ballsy.
I just said ballsy.
It’s going to be a good semester.
Opinion ated
August 24, 2003