TODAY Wednesday, Aug. 27
Sigma Gamma Rho
* Informal meeting
* 6:30 p.m. Union Council Room
* Refreshments served, “come as you are” attire
Standup Comedy Open Mike Night
* Wednesdays at
8 p.m. at Richoux’s – corner of Florida &
3rd streets
* $3 admission; Performers get in
free – sign-up
7:30 p.m. – 7:50 p.m.
* More info at www.redstickcomedy. com or call Jeremy White 921-7665
Belly Dance Night
* With Tribal Drum Circle
* 9:30 p.m. – midnight, Club Culture 4500 Oklahoma St.
* Contact Rebecca Breeden, 336-1832
Historically Black Greek Fall Informational
* 7 p.m. Cotillion Ballroom
* Contact Shaun Stallworth, 819-9199
College Republican Alliance
* Organizational
* 8 p.m. Union Acadian Room
* Contact Shawn Hanscom,
[email protected]
TOMORROW Thursday, Aug. 28
Paintball Club @ LSU
* Informational
* 7 p.m. Union Ouachita Room
* Contact Paul at
[email protected]
August 27, 2003