Five months ago, students took precautions to protect their lives against a serial killer who murdered three Baton Rouge women.
Students now are returning to campus this week to news of another serial killing in Lafayette.
Though there is a new murder connected to the serial killer, University officials said they are not taking any extra precautions because the University has not decreased its safety measures.
As the semester ended in December, members of the Baton Rouge Homicide Task Force felt area residents no longer were taking precautions to keep themselves safe.
When news of a serial killer first was released, officials took precautions to make the University grounds safer by cutting trees in the Quad and placing more lights around campus.
LSUPD also stepped up its coverage on campus by hiring more patrol officers to work overtime.
Students also took advantage of Rape Aggression Defense classes offered by the Wellness Center. More than 200 students and community members enrolled in the classes.
Capt. Mark Shaw with LSUPD said the police department is in the process of hiring five new officers and getting new equipment in police cars.
“Phase Two of getting computers funded by the student technology fee is underway and hopefully will be in place by the end of the spring semester,” Shaw said.
With the new technology, officers hopefully will be able to create a crime map, Shaw said. This will allow students and officers to see where crimes occur on campus.
Students can use their cell phones to contact LSUPD through the #LSU feature. This allows students with AT&T Wireless, Cingular and Sprint directly to contact LSUPD from anywhere on campus.
Student Government implemented this feature in spring 2002 and still is working to get a contract with Verizon Wireless.
The Wellness Center also is offering advanced defense classes for people who completed the basic self-defense class.
Kathy Saichuk, wellness education coordinator, said the center is hoping to get more people involved in the RAD program.
On average, 25 people participate in the program a semester. In the fall, the center saw an increase in participants of all ages.
The center is offering an advanced knife defense class Jan. 21 and an advanced gun defense class Jan. 28.
Shaw said as the semester begins, students should remember to be alert and aware of their surroundings.
“If you see something that looks suspicious, call and we will check it out,” Shaw said. “You never know what you’ve prevented if it doesn’t occur.”
Community on alert after death
January 21, 2003