Despite the small crowd, Student Government’s New Year’s Resolutions forum completed its goals to introduce student organizations to one another, give them tips for the future and provide them with information for funding.
SG hosted the first of two forums open to all student organizations Wednesday in the Union Vieux Carre Room.
Representatives from the University’s chapter of the National Home Builder’s Association, the Interfraternity Council and Phi Chi Sigma, a national military veteran’s fraternity, attended the small meeting.
The forum offered participants informational handouts explaining how to register as an organization and provided tips about how to succeed as a student organization.
SG hosted the forum with hopes to aid interested organizations and also to receive feedback, letting SG know what students want.
Broussard said he wants these organizations to walk away from the forums feeling comfortable enough to ask for assistance from SG. He also wants them to know they can obtain funding for their organizations through the Student Senate, the Organization Relief Fund and the Programming Support and Initiatives Fee.
SG will host another forum tonight at 7 p.m. in the Union Red River Room and hopes to attract more organizations.
Forum aids student organizations
January 30, 2003