Is it too late to search for scholarships?
It is true that most scholarships are awarded to entering college freshmen, but many scholarships are available for continuing undergraduates of all years, including graduate students.
The PAWS Web site states scholarships for students generally are awarded by the student’s individual colleges. They are given on the basis of academic record, financial need or significant accomplishments.
A complete listing of scholarships awarded through specific colleges is in the Financial Aid and Scholarships section of the LSU General Catalog. Students in the Graduate School, Law School or School of Veterinary Medicine can find publications containing scholarship information issued by their respective schools.
What Web sites can I use to assist my scholarship search?
Web-based searches are a popular search option for many students. has more than 600,000 scholarships available valued at more than $1 billion on its scholarship search feature. The site offers scholarships beginning with entering college freshmen and extends to graduate students.
The Office of Student Aid has a list of additional free scholarship searches. and, among others, are also helpful Web sites.
Students can also search the LSU Web site for general scholarships and additional awards within colleges.
Where can I go on campus for help?
The staff members of the Office of Student Aid and Scholarships can help students with their scholarship searches.
Christine Day, associate director of Student Aid and Scholarships, said roughly 150 cash awards are given each year from her office, and most are worth $1,000.
“We generally offer an extra 40 to 50 [scholarships] to students who are not Louisiana residents,” she said.
To be considered eligible, students must be enrolled at LSU for at least one year with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5.
“Students should check the department of their major. We only offer a small piece of the puzzle, compared to the specific departments,” said Day. The scholarship office has two locations. The location for TOPS and scholarships is 208 Coates. The location for federal loans and grants is 202 Himes. Most scholarships are offered at the end of each spring.
International students may obtain additional information about financial aid from the International Services Office, which is located in 101 Hatcher Hall.
Campus 411
January 27, 2003