Wednesday, Dec. 3
Generation Dean
* Dean for America Meet-Up
* 7 p.m. Avoyelles Cafe, 333 Third St.
* Contact Christina Stephens, [email protected]
Standup Comedy Open Mike Night
* $3 admission, free for performers
* Sign-up 7:30 – 7:50 p.m. show 8 p.m.
* Contact Jeremy White, 921-7665
United Methodist Campus Ministry
* Chapel service at
8 p.m. Come early for dinner at 7 p.m.
* 333 E. Chimes
UPC Lively Arts Committee
* Meeting
* 4:30 p.m. Union Orleans Room
Lutheran Student Fellowship
* Bible study 7 p.m.
* Prayer service 8 p.m.
* 3235 Dalrymple
University Presbyterian Church
* Taize Service, simple suppers for students to follow
* 6 p.m.
* Contact 383-0345
Thursday, Dec. 4
Club of LSU
* Running, jogging or walking
* 6 p.m. Laville Patio
Paintball Club at LSU
* Meeting
* 7 p.m. Union Ouachita Room
Catholic Center
* Free Lunch
* 12 – 1 p.m. Highland @ Dalrymple
UPC International Committee
* Meeting
* 5 p.m. Union Council Room
* Contact Tammy Sam, [email protected]
Cannabis Action Network/ Students for Sensible Drug Policy
* Drug policy reform at New Hampshire primary
* 7 p.m. Union Couches
* Contact Nicole, 892-0622
Pi Sigma Epsilon
* Meeting
* 6 p.m. 2172 CEBA
Baptist Collegiate Ministry TNT
* Praise and worship followed by a speaker
* 7 and 9 p.m.
Campus Crusade for Christ
* 6:30 p.m. The Chapel on the Campus, 3355 Dalrymple
* A play by John DiFusco
* Nov 15. 18-20; Dec. 4-7, 9, 11, 13-14 Richoux’s, corner of Florida and 3rd Street
* 7:30 p.m. except Dec. 14, which begins 2:30 p.m
* $18 adults, $12 Students/Seniors
* Contact 757-8155
Free Computer Training
* START Program offers free training to all students
* B-26 Coates Hall
* Visit calendar at
Nominations Sought
* For George H. Deer Distinguished Teaching Award
* Alumni Association Teaching Assistant Award
* Advisor of the Year Award
* One original nomination and eight copies required, Due by Dec. 5
* Submit c/o Debra Blacher, University College 150 Allen Hall
* Contact Debra Blacher, 578-5334
MBA Association
* Toys for Tots Campaign
* Nov. 24 – Dec. 5
* Drop off point is 3170 CEBA
* Contact Stacey, [email protected]
“The New Wild West”
* Dec 4-5 7:30 p.m. Hopkins Black Box Theatre
* $5 Donation at the door
* Contact Amanda Sadat, [email protected]
December 3, 2003