The campus STA Travel in the Union is hosting a bona-fide MTV celebrity and is giving away a free trip to Paris tonight at “Europe Night.”
Tonight STA will host an informational meeting on traveling to Europe and welcome Randy from “The Real World” San Diego as host of the event.
STA Travel’s “Europe Night” will take place tonight in the Union’s Royal Cotillion Ballroom from 5:30 until 7:30 p.m.
The event will provide students with practical tips that will help save money and make the most of a trip to Europe, said Kristen Teer, STA branch manager.
Randy, a cast member on the current season of MTV’s “The Real World” had the opportunity to travel to Europe with MTV and on his own.
Randy traveled to Greece along with his house mates during his stay at the Real World house. Teer said Randy will discuss with the audience what he took from away from his experiences.
Before MTV got their hands on Randy, he already was a seasoned traveler. Randy previously had traveled and backpacked throughout Europe. Randy also lived and worked in Prague during his travels, Teer said.
During “Europe Night,” Randy will be discussing his travels and encouraging students to venture out and take a trip of their own.
STA will offer everyone who attends the event a chance to win one of several prizes, including a “Rite of Passage” trip to Europe, Teer said.
The trip includes airfare to Paris, three night’s accommodations, and a 15-day Eurail pass.
Following his talk, Randy will answer any questions from the audience regarding his “Real World” trip and Europe.
For all the “Real World” junkies and fans of Randy, he also will be available after the event to sign autographs.
the ‘real’ EUROPE
By Sarah West
March 11, 2004