Gov. Kathleen Blanco has proclaimed March as career month and encouraged citizens to get involved in the statewide community service project. This project focuses on the business world informing students about the career field.
Mary Belleau, who is the associate director of Career Services and coordinator of Career Month activities, said through this program organizers want to create a partnership between Louisiana employers and educators.
“By having the program in March, it provides an opportunity for employers to give students information about summer jobs and internships,” Belleau said.
Throughout the month, there will be numerous activities that students can participate in. There are job fairs, recruitment days and lessons on business etiquette.
Chancellors on campuses across Louisiana received information in order to get the whole state involved.
“Students enter college without knowledge of what they want to do, but we want them to explore their options while in college,” Belleau said.
Career month began eight years ago when Belleau approached former Gov. Mike Foster with the idea.
Belleau wanted college students to be prepared for the work force and provide them with information on their future career.
The Career Services sent information to local businesses informing them about the program and encouraging them to come speak with student organizations.
Student organizations also received ideas about how to get their group involved.
“When students have job related experience, they will be more advanced in their career decisions,” Belleau said.
Organizers hope the activities will expose students to different careers in Louisiana and promote students to stay in the state for job opportunities.
In order to accomplish this, there are programs that introduce younger students to the business world.
Through Junior Achievers, a non-profit organization that pairs local businesses with elementary and high schools, students will be exposed to the different careers available.
“Through exposing kindergartners to different careers, by the time they are seniors at LSU they will know what they want to do and have the experience to market them,” Belleau said.
The program has won Awards of Excellence from The National Association of Colleges and Employers and The Southern Public Relations Federation.
Career opportunities abound during March
March 1, 2004