The University has selected three candidates for the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
The candidates are John Skvoretz, William Mishler and Hugh Ruppersberg.
Skvoretz currently is a Carolina Distinguished Professor of Sociology and interim dean at the University of South Carolina. Mishler currently serves as a professor and head of the Department of Political Science at the University of Arizona. Ruppersberg currently is an associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and an English professor at the University of Georgia.
A public forum will take place featuring each of the candidates, who will answer questions from students and faculty members.
The first of the forums took place Monday afternoon, featuring Skvoretz. Mishler’s forum will be Thursday at 3 p.m., and Ruppersberg’s will be Thursday, May 6 at 3:30 p.m. All forums are taking place in the Bo Campbell Auditorium in the Cox Communications Academic Center for Student Athletes.
On Monday, Skvoretz answered faculty members’ questions and spoke about the dean position, saying he favors a hiring strategy in which a person can teach in multiple subjects.
Skvoretz also said he wanted to evaluate the tradeoffs involved in restructuring the number of instructors and tenured professors.
The College of Arts and Sciences has announced plans to remove 60 instructors in the next three years, replacing them with professors.
The Arts and Sciences dean position became open in December 2003, after former Dean M. Jane Collins stepped down to return to teaching. The University appointed Guillermo Ferreyra, former head of the math department, as interim dean.
Jack Hamilton, dean of the Manship School of Mass Communication and head of the Arts and Sciences dean search committee, said the committee looked for candidates with strong research backgrounds and track records of being good administrators and fundraisers.
According to the Arts and Sciences Web site, the search committee also is seeking candidates with a commitment to faculty and student diversity.
Michael Tipton, a student representative on the search committee, said in an e-mail it was important for University students and faculty to take part in the public forums.
“The dean of the College of Arts and Sciences is one of the most important positions on the LSU campus,” Tipton said. “The dean sets the tempo, direction and goals for the college, and as such, the decision of who will be the next dean is one that is vital to students and the campus community.”
Hamilton said the committee expects to submit its views to Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Risa Palm sometime in May.
— Chief Staff Writer Adam Causey contributed to this article.
New A&S dean to be selected
April 27, 2004