School can be just as fun as the usual Friday night bar-hopping or parties.
Students gathered in the Union Friday night to participate in the Hawaiian-themed Late Night LSU, which the Tigers After 10 committee sponsored.
While there were mini-massages, candle making, and video games, the biggest turnouts were for the Battle of the Sexes and comedian Bobby Lee’s performance.
During the Battle of the Sexes, which was held in the Union Ballroom, eight females and eight males competed to see who was the better sex.
Contestants participated in events like trivia, painting toenails and opening jars.
“The people who participated are having a good time,” said Tigers after 10 Commissioner Amanda Ball. “We have a lot of events, and students have options of what they can do.”
The girls took the lead towards the middle of the round, but the boys finished by winning the football throw. Some girls claimed there was cheating involved.
“It was funny, but you couldn’t see what was going on,” said Lili Meskil, a biological sciences sophomore. “They talked too much about STDs during the trivia.”
After the first round of Battle of the Sexes, MADtv comedian Bobby Lee took the stage and entertained students.
Lucas Lane, the assistant chair for campus involvement, said they were able to pick from a showcase of speakers provided by Pop Culture.
Lee gave a “shocking” performance, doing everything from insulting the audience to talking about ninjas at airports, Lane said.
If any student entered the show late, Lee made it a point to pick them out and embarrass them.
At the end of his set, Lee came onstage dressed only in a Speedo and gave personal dances to student volunteers.
“If there’s one word, it’s just ‘wow,'” Ball said of Lee. “He was hilarious and kind of disturbing.”
Other events during the last round of Battle of the Sexes included limbo, hula hoop and a burping competition.
Late Night Luau
April 19, 2004