Dear Tim,
I was lucky enough to get the worst haircut of my life the other day. I have my sorority formal this weekend and I was wondering what I should do. I am thinking of going and getting a wig. Is that weird?
Dear “HAIRY,”
I don’t think it would be the worst thing ever to wear a wig. But, chances are you are not going to be fooling too many people. If you are going to a sorority function with girls you see on a daily basis, they are probably going to be wondering what’s up with the fake ‘do.
If it really is that bad, you should go back or to someone else to get it fixed. If nothing else, you can make a big entrance at your formal with your new really short haircut that everyone is going to tell you they love no matter what it looks like.
Anyway, I would avoid the wig thing. Unless it is a gag or something, you are just going to look like a drag queen. It’s your last function of the year — go out with style.
Dear Tim,
I have a friend who is constantly talking about this guy that she is love with. She always says how she thinks he is the greatest thing ever and how she wishes he would ask her out. But, when she is around him, she turns into the biggest bitch to him. I don’t understand what is up, but I want to help her.
I think your friend has major self-esteem issues. The only reason I can think she would be a bitch to the guy she likes is because she doesn’t know what else to do. If you really want to help your friend, you will help her get over her issues. She doesn’t need help getting a date with this guy; she needs help being confident.
I think it’s probably a lost cause with the guy. If she was a bitch to him once, he is not likely to forget that. The only chance she has at getting the guy she likes is to treat herself with a little respect and not resort to the fifth grade “I hate him” tactics.
Maybe you should ask her why she is being a bitch to the guy she likes and it will start a conversation when you can bring it up. Good luck.
2 Cents
May 2, 2004

2 Cents