Dear Tim,
What do I do when I have this banner in my closet that reads: “Sigma Phi Epsilon: Currently Remodeling”? I was just wondering. Thanks. — “BANNER
This guy probably thought I wouldn’t run his letter. Obviously, the reason he sent it is because I am a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon and he thought I would be angered by his mysterious message. Well, I am not. First, I hated that banner. It didn’t go with the color scheme of our house. Not to mention, it was used as community toilet paper during rough financial times. Just kidding. However, since this is an advice column, I feel obliged to give you some actual advice before I move on to the next question. Here goes. Maybe you should focus your energy on something like community service or joining a organization instead of banner theft.
(Cue single tear on my face), I signed my graduation checkout papers last week. If I had it to do over again, I would have used every second of my college career for good. There is a lot you can do for the community that doesn’t take that much effort. Go to any shelter and help serve the poor the only meal they eat that day — your life will change. Go help children learn to read at a local public elementary school.
Take the banner, we finished our renovations. But, don’t take from others the good you can give them. If you can give someone kindness or selflessness, it will come back to you tenfold. That’s not just for BANNER STEALER. That’s for everybody.
Dear Tim,
When can a get my white suit out? I have heard my friends saying that rules don’t really matter anymore. What do you think? — “IS WHITE RIGHT?”
Dear “RIGHT,”
Okay. Your friends are half right and half wrong. Here’s the deal. Everyone knows you are not supposed to wear white (especially shoes) during winter months, meaning early Sept. to late March.
Generally, if you follow that rule, you will be safe. But, like your friends, I think rules are for the indecisive, so I don’t use them. As for when to get your white suit out, I usually rely on the weather to be my guide. I would say you could start wearing white a few more weeks before people who live in colder places. As for right now, you really should shy away from it until it gets warmer. In the meantime, there is this color called winter white. It’s like white, but not. If you’re shopping during the winter at a reputable store and you pick up a white garment, it’s probably not white … it’s winter white. This is a completely acceptable color to wear during the winter months and usually makes you look tan as hell.
2 Cents
February 16, 2004

2 Cents