The Union Programming Council is sponsoring a film festival to promote awareness about lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender issues.
Tonight marks the beginning of the festival, which includes one movie per week over the next three weeks. The festival’s three movies deal with different issues in the queer community.
“But, I’m a Cheerleader” will be shown tonight at 7 p.m. in the LSU Union Vieux Carre room.
“We wanted to do more than just lectures this semester,” said Jason Meier, assistant director for programs at the Union. “We wanted to find a unique way to present and educate students about something they don’t know a lot about.”
The two other movies will be shown over the next two weeks. “Boys Don’t Cry” will be shown in the Vieux Carre room Feb. 9, and “The Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert” will be shown Feb. 16 in the same room.
“I hope people can take different concepts away from the three different films,” Meier said.
The UPC Ideas and Issues committee is working with Spectrum Alliance and the Baton Rouge Lambda Group to help get the word out.
After “Boys Don’t Cry,” Spectrum is facilitating a discussion about the film and transgender issues, said Anna Byars, a women’s and gender studies junior and member of Spectrum.
“I think it is phenomenal that they are having the discussion afterwards,” Meier said.
Kelly Kromer, a graduate student, works for the Office of Multi-cultural Affairs and is helping to promote the festival.
“I think it’s a great idea to have the festival,” Kromer said. “It is good they chose movies dealing with trans-gender issues also because they usually only deal with queer issues.”
Both UPC and Spectrum said this shows great progress for the LSU LGBT community.
“Spectrum is thrilled,” Byars said. “The show is going to be great.”
Film festival conveys variety of concerns
February 2, 2004