It was a fierce competition of men versus women in the UnionBallroom Tuesday night when Alpha Kappa Alpha continued theirannual weeklong celebration of the legacy of their chapter with abattle of the sexes program.
The program started with the men and women introducingthemselves and saying what they liked or did not like about theopposite sex.
Most of the women were brutal, and did not have many nice thingsto say about men. They all generally agreed that men lie too muchand have trouble admitting when they are wrong.
Some girls acknowledged that guys are nice because they pay foreverything when they first start dating girls.
The men were a little less brutal, saying they appreciate womenbecause they are “pretty” and make them “feel good.”
After the bashing, students were divided into five groups, threeof all women and two of only men.
Most competitions were men versus women, but there were a few ofwomen against women because there were more women than menpresent.
They competed in a variety of original games including “FairyTale Taboo,” in which participants were asked questions aboutdifferent fairy tales, and “Balloon Chase,” in which contestantsran across the Ballroom with a balloon between their legs.
AKA put a twist on traditional games such as a three-leggedrace, where contestants pushed an orange across the floor with abanana.
Alex Foti, a kinesiology senior and coordinator of the program,said AKA hosts a battle of the sexes program every year, but thisis the first time they included physical competition in thebattle.
Contestants also participated in a game called “Pass theOrange,” where they passed an orange back and forth with theirnecks.
Male participants were thrilled to have AKA members takepictures of them participating in the different events, except whenthey got to the “Pass the Orange” game.
“We’re too close,” said Ivore Rousell, an ISDS sophomore. “It’lllook like we’re kissing!”
At the end of the games, the winners were announced.
Men prevailed in every competition against the women, and onewomen group dominated the others in the female competitions.
Deroick Vidrine, an accounting senior, said his favorite game inthe competition was “Pass the Orange.”
“The girls were short one team member so I got to play that gamewith them,” Vidrine said. “It was great.”
Antonio Cousin, an agricultural business junior, coined thephrase of the night when AKA announced the men as the winners.
“Male dominance,” Cousin said. “That’s all I have to say.”
Foti said the competition was a success and everyone seemed toenjoy themselves.
“It was a different way to promote interaction among people,”Foti said.
Alpha Kappa Alpha hosts Battle of Sexes
November 3, 2004