Amidst Bob Marley and Stevey Ray Vaughn paintings, New Orleanslegends Johnny Vidacovich, George Porter Jr. and Anders Osborne arejamming. It is just another Wednesday night at Sogo Live.
Sogo Live opened in August, but it is already becoming a forcein the Baton Rouge live music world.
Giving patrons a break from the usual college bar scene, theclub is just two miles from LSU’s campus.
“It’s as far as Tigerland” from LSU, saidScott Simoneaux of Infectious Productions, offering Sogo Live as analternative to familiar college bars.
Simoneaux and Casey Philips, also of Infectious Productions,handle booking and promotions for Sogo Live.
Simoneaux said he has had “killer” groups comethrough, like the Iguanas and the Sidewalks. He said the venue haseven attracted Grammy nominee-quality performers such as BeauSoleil avec Michael Doucet.
The club will host Bag of Donuts on Oct. 22 and Mofro on Nov.12.
Wednesdays Sogo Live hosts “New Orleans All StarNights,” a jazz-funk-rock fusion starring New Orleans musiclegends.
Two sets of jams are played by revolving casts, including thelikes of New Orleans favorites Tommy Malone and David Lindley.
“Shows are usually $6, with big bands bringing in about$15 a person,” said Abe Kinney, general manager and co-ownerof the club.
Simoneaux said Sogo Live aims to gain a crowd with multipledemographics, and they “want to be the major music venue inBaton Rouge.” He said jazz, funk, jam bands, Cajun music, andthe occasional DJ should keep things interesting.
Although it is next to Argosy Casino, Mike Kemp, a Universitygraduate and Sogo’s sound technician said “it’snot a casino crowd.”
Kemp said that would soon provide a free weeklylive webcast for patrons. He also said he could make a recording ofany Sogo show for anyone who gives him a CD.
“Local artists painted our walls, our entrance, over ourbar, and there’s a mural in the back,” Kinney said.
“It’s large, but it has a full feeling,”Simoneaux said.
The venue has room for three bands to play at once. A permanentstage is in the center room. Another stage can be set up outside,but according to Kinney, “outdoor shows will happen only whenit gets cooler.” Another band can play inside near the bararea so that, as Kinney said, “it’s like your own musicfestival.”
Kinney said Sogo Live can be rented out for parties, receptionsand poker nights, but do not expect to see any Greek parties thereanytime soon, and do not plan on going if you cannot buy your owndrinks yet.
Kinney said the bar is 21-and-over only. It makes sense for thembecause they share a sidewalk with Argosy Casino.
The club opens at 11 a.m. on weekends and 4 p.m. on weekdays
Livin’ Live
October 21, 2004
Livin’ Live