The Department of Residential Life will implement a 9.77 percentrental rate increase for the 2005 — 2006 year, said Debora Baker,director of housing in the Residential Hall Adviser meeting Tuesdaynight.
The rental rate usually is increased 5.07 percent annually,following the 15-year Master Plan schedule for residential housing,but it is increasing for the 2005 — 2006 year to include theInternet fee, ResNet.
“The fee is great for students because they will not have to paymonthly Internet fees,” said Doug Fields, RHA vice president andpre-law senior. “The Internet will be cheaper per person.”
Currently, 73.5 percent of students currently pay for ResNet,according to the Department of Residential Life.
Steve Waller, Assistant Director of Facilities, said there is atrend to go toward wireless Internet, but wired Internet is fasterand has a higher transmission rate.
All students in on-campus residential housing will have a 9.77percent increase because of this fee, according to statistics fromthe Department of Residential Life.
The rental rate increases usually create revenue ofapproximately $100,000, according to statistics from the Departmentof Residential Life.
Residential Life uses this extra money for dormitorymaintenance, safety improvements, facility replacements such asfire alarms and elevator replacements and technology upgrades,Wallker said.
RHA members also discussed the RHA budget, which requires eachresident to pay a certain amount of money to fund special programs,such as Snow Day on the Parade Grounds.
Monty Aghazadeh, a member of the RHA board and a biologicalsciences junior, said some people on the RHA board have concernsabout the budget.
The RHA members did not conduct an official vote when they votedon the budget at the RHA retreat, nor did they swear in the hallcouncil members before the vote, said Nathan Boudreaux, RHApresident and economics senior.
Aghazadeh said the RHA board developed a finance committee toaddress any concerns about the budget. He said Residential Lifeadvisers have the approved budget.
On-campus internet to be included in rent
October 6, 2004