The massive cheers around the country after the Boston Red Soxupset the New York Yankees made it impossible to hear anythingWednesday night.
But even through my own cheers I saw a clear message written allover Alex Rodriguez’s face as he glanced at the Soxcelebrating an upsetting series in which they came from behind towin four straight games and capture the American League pennant. AsRodriguez looked on in pinstripes his face said, “Damn, andto think that could be me.”
But, A-Rod, for that to be possible you must look a little morerugged and less like a frat boy.
One of the biggest differences I observed in the battle betweenthe Bronx and Beantown was the presentation by both teams.
While the Yanks come up to bat clean cut with shiny helmets, theSox lead off with Johnny “Caveman” Damon himself. Damonis followed by Orlando Cabrerra whose helmet is covered in tarmaking it impossible to even see the “B”.
Then in the three hole is Manny Ramirez, who is covered ininelegance from head to toe. His hair is anything but clean cut andhis baggy pants could be used for pajamas after the game. PedroMartinez cannot talk either. I think both share the same hairproducts before the game.
Some may find this an embarrassment, but it works for the Sox.After all, this hardcore demeanor only resembles their play.
The Sox are fighters, not lovers. I did not see any Sox playersposing in Vogue Magazine with their wife. (Yep, I’m talkingto you A-Rod). While it was a pretty picture, his face wasn’tafter Jason Varitek finished with him. The same goes for you DonZimmer. Don’t mess with Pedro — he’s afighter.
What other team could make history by coming back from a 0-3deficit?
So the soft Yankees decked out in the pinstripes only add to theneatness with no player having hair past their ears. I did notobserve one beard either. As for the pants, all are tight —although there aren’t any complaints here.
Therefore, the dress does not make the man.
Heroes do not come in the shape of pretty boys on white horses— with black stripes. In this case, the heroes are notDisney’s theme guy. They are the players who look more likethe villain. Either way, they saved many Sox’s fans fromanother heartbreak.
The Red Sox may not have a second thought on their appearance,but the appearance in the World Series is the one thing on theirmind. And with those outlaw looks, who doesn’t have room toadd a little bling-bling at the end of the World Series?
Rugged BoSox prevail
October 21, 2004