With suspected serial killers Derrick Todd Lee and Sean VincentGillis now behind bars, many University women are less concernedabout sexual predators this year than they were two years ago.
The decline in concern can be seen in the lower numbers of womenattending Rape Aggression Defense System classes, basic defenseclasses the Wellness Center and LSU Police sponsor for women.
Kathy Saichuk, Wellness Education coordinator and coordinator ofRAD, said before Lee was caught, RAD taught seven classes withabout 40 women in each during the fall 2002 semester. But this pastweekend’s class had 12 attendants, which is typical for a time whenthere are no threats of a perpetrator.
Saichuk said they always are trying to increase the number ofattendants by advertising and promotion.
Although the numbers of RAD attendants are down, the WellnessCenter and LSU Police still will continue to teach it because therealways is a threat of violence.
LSUPD Maj. Mark Shaw said there are many innocent things peopledo every day that could make them a potential victim. He said RADteaches women how to effectively reduce their risk of being avictim.
Shaw said RAD probably is one of the best self defense classeshe has seen in his 25 years as a police officer and is effectivebecause it teaches avoidance, awareness and physical skills.
Shaw said RAD classes are empowering for women because theyrealize they can protect themselves.
Sarah Latiolais, residential life coordinator for Miller Hall,said she has taken RAD classes twice.
Latiolais said she feels more confident and was amazed to seewhat she had learned in RAD.
Latiolais said she tries to avoid compromising situations,especially at night.
“I try to be very aware and go places in groups to reduce thelikelihood of something happening,” Latiolais said.
After taking the class, Shaw said women go through a change inmindset. He said women begin doing things automatically to preventbeing a potential target.
Shaw said women learn protection and simple prevention skills,such as where to place lamps in their home, which way to close theblinds to prevent shadows and also taking decals off their carsthat could identify gender.
Latiolais said she feels strongly about RAD and is thinkingabout becoming an instructor.
Latiolais said there always are dangers in big cities andcollege campuses, like Baton Rouge and the University. She said itis a small price to pay to protect yourself.
Saichuk said the next class being offered will be in the spring,probably in March or April. She said they wait to decide the datefor classes so they can be sure it will not conflict with any othercampus events.
Saichuk said if they have at least 12 women interested in theclass, the Wellness Center will work with them to schedule anotherclass.
Concern about predators declining
October 19, 2004
![Concern about predators declining](https://lsureveille.com/wp-content/uploads/2004/10/bae9b563cfefbdb3d3e0b84c0589a0b8-1.jpg)
Concern about predators declining