After two losses last weekend, head coach Fran Flory gave thevolleyball team Monday and Tuesday off.
Her decision was not to commend her team’s performance,but to prepare them for Wednesday’s practice when theystarted back to first day fundamentals.
The volleyball team went into practice with new shirts and Floryhoped to give them a new mindset as well.
“You got new shirts, new attitude, new season —we’re starting over,” Flory said to the team.”We’re going to rediscover us.”
The season that was defined as being champions has fallen to arecord of 10-8 overall and 2-6 in Southeastern Conference play.
Flory took a new approach with her team this week and hope thisnew attitude will show the integrity she said her team has.
“We are going to have the same attitude we had the firstday we walked in this gym,” Flory said. “We are goingto be excited to succeed.”
Flory defines this turnaround as a restart for her team and saidtogether they have to be efficient.
“We’re starting over and this is a newbeginning,” said sophomore outside hitter Kassi Mikulik.”There have been mental errors in the past and we are tryingto work on those. If we get rid of those we can begreat.”
Another focus Flory talked about to her team was the lack of funthey are having on the court.
Team members agree that is a key factor necessary to competewell on the court.
“We’re going to try to have fun. In the past coupleof games we’ve been beat up and don’t feed off eachother,” said senior outside hitter/middle blocker Regan Hood.”It hasn’t been fun. It’s always been ‘whyisn’t she doing this, or not doing that.’ If we just goout and have fun we will execute and win. We have talent —we’re just not putting it all together right now.”
This Sunday’s match against Kentucky will prove to theteam if they can turn around their mindset along with theirseason.
This is the first meeting with the Wildcats this season. Thematch will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the Pete Maravich AssemblyCenter.
Volleyball looks to avenge losses
October 22, 2004