With the Nov. 2 election fast approaching, people soon shouldreceive information about the precincts where they must cast theirvote.
Sharon Bankston, chief deputy registrar for East Baton RougeParish, said people typically receive their voter registration cardand precinct assignments within two to three weeks of registeringto vote.
Bankston said when people receive their card it will containtheir precinct assignment, including the location’s name and streetaddress.
Bankston said there are approximately 300 voting precincts inEast Baton Rouge Parish. She said it is required by law to have oneprecinct for every 2,200 registered voters. She said East BatonRouge Parish has 259,000 people registered to vote in the Nov. 2election.
With many students registered to vote using a campus orapartment address, some may have questions about where they canvote.
Bankston said most students registered to vote on campus areassigned to vote at precinct 1-44 A or B. She said any residentsregistered through an address of a fraternity or sorority housewill vote at that precinct. According to a fax from the East BatonRouge Parish Registrar of Voters Office, this precinct is the LSULaboratory School located at 45 Dalrymple Drive.
Bankston said precincts which have letters A, B or C followingthe precinct number contain more voting machines than those that donot. This is because those particular precincts have a largernumber of voters, and thus have voting segments broken down byvoters’ last names.
Another likely precinct for those registered to vote on or nearcampus is located just outside the north side of campus, accordingto Bankston. This is precinct 1-46 A or B at University TerraceElementary School located on 575 West Roosevelt St.
Students registered to vote from areas near the intersection ofLee Drive and Highland Road, south of campus, vote at UniversityBaptist Church on 203 Leeward Drive. This is located just off ofHighland Road, a few blocks east of Lee Drive.
Bankston said for students living in the Burbank Drive area eastof campus, they vote at precinct 3-5 A or B located at ArlingtonPreparatory Academy at 931 Dean Lee Drive. This is locatedsoutheast of campus, down Nicholson Drive past BrightsideDrive.
Those living in and around the Riverbend subdivision off ofBrightside Drive, vote at the Louisiana School for the Deaf locatedat 2888 Brightside Drive.
If students have questions about where to vote, they can checkthe voter registration card they received in the mail or contactthe East Baton Rouge Parish Registrar of Voters Office.
Cast your ballot
October 19, 2004
Cast your ballot