LSU, coming off a successful weekend with a win over theKentucky Wildcats, will host the University of Arkansastonight.
The win improved the team’s record to 11-8 overall and 3-6in Southeastern Conference play.
After getting off to a slow start this season, the Tigers spentlast week focusing on turning their season around. The new approachseems to be working with the win over Kentucky. Team members saidthey hope their new approach will lead to success in theirremaining games.
“We’ve come out with a new attitude and we have tokeep playing together,” said sophomore middleblocker/right-side hitter Melody Clark. “We have to keep thepractice going and if we can do all that we will besuccessful.”
This is the first meeting between the Tigers and Razorbacks thisseason. Arkansas stands at 9-10 overall and 6-3 in SEC play.
“We can win the rest of our games because there is no oneleft on our schedule who we cannot beat,” said coach FranFlory to her team. “These teams are no better than the teamswe have already beat.”
After Arkansas, LSU will host two more SEC matches this weekendagainst the University of Auburn and Alabama.
The Crimson Tide swept the Tigers in three games earlier in theseason, but the Tigers are confident they can bounce back.
“This season is not hopeless,” said senior setterBeth Cowley. “We still have a lot to prove.”
LSU will take on the Lady Razorbacks at 7 p.m. in the PeteMaravich Assembly Center.
Volleyball hosts University of Arkansas in PMAC tonight
October 26, 2004