A female West Campus Apartments resident has alleged anunidentified man entered her apartment early Monday morning andattacked her.
LSUPD Maj. Ricky Adams said the woman said the man allegedlyentered her secure apartment sometime between 3 a.m. and 5:15 a.m.,”wrestled” with her on her bed and then forced her to get dressedand accompany him out of the apartment.
Adams said the victim’s roommates did not wake up during theattack and were not aware of the incident until police contactedthem.
The victim told police the attacker pushed her into a ditch nearEast Campus Apartments and fled the scene. She said she temporarilylost consciousness, then awoke and walked to friends’ apartments atECA.
Adams said the victim contacted police between 5:15 a.m. and5:30 a.m.
The woman also told police the attacker cut her with a knifeduring the struggle in her apartment, but she sustained nolife-threatening injuries.
Baton Rouge General Hospital treated and released the victimMonday morning.
Adams said she returned to campus to answer questions fromLSUPD.
“The case is a priority to investigators and we are looking intothe facts of what actually occurred,” Adams said.
Adams also said there is no indication the victim knew herattacker or that he had a key to the apartment.
The victim currently is working to create a more completedescription of the attacker, but told police he is approximately 6feet tall and was wearing dark clothing with a shiny goldwatch.
Mary Wallace, associate director for residence education, saidthey have been working very closely with LSUPD, but have not yetnotified residents about the incident.
WCA resident attacked
October 4, 2004