De Von Lang, a finance senior, posted his resume on TigerTRAK, aWeb site that serves as a liaison between students and companies.Days later, he received results from companies to interview for jobopenings.
Lang said he heard about TigerTRAK at Career Day, where companyrecruiters advised students to sign up on the University job searchsite.
“If it’s on TigerTRAK, they’re looking for entry-levelapplicants,” Lang said. “Companies who advertise in newspapersusually are looking for people with experience.”
Lang said he wishes he had known about TigerTRAK before hissenior year, because the site also posts internship opportunitiesthat are available for students not graduating, not just forgraduating students.
Mary Feduccia, director of Career Services, said TigerTRAK isthe online system Career Services uses for job vacancy postings forall types of jobs, including internships, co-ops, part-time,volunteer and full-time jobs.
Feduccia said the advantage of using TigerTRAK is that the jobsposted are for University students. Students can submit theirresumes through the system to apply for jobs, which makes itdifferent from a job posted on popular job boards.
“Many of the jobs posted at those kinds of sites sometimesreceive thousands of resumes for one position, so the success infinding a job that way is mixed,” Feduccia said.
Wendy Luedtke, a director in the E.J. Ourso College of BusinessAdministration, said she considers job sites a good resource, butshe encourages students to pursue all possible avenues when lookingfor a job, including networking and meeting people in their chosenfield of study.
Luedtke said students should assess the Web sites by noting ifthe dates on the Web site are current, if the company has awell-maintained site and if the subscribing companies arelegitimate.
Dan Rohn, founder of, said he started his jobsearch site because there were no great resources for students tofind journalism jobs.
A former copy editor and writer for the Washington Post andonline editor of America Online, Rohn founded the site six yearsago.
Rohn said the site quickly became popular when it began in 1998because most people had computers and were familiar with theInternet.
Rohn said his company does not advertise, but it is well-knownsimply by word of mouth. Many journalism programs at universitieshave links to from their Web sites.
“The great thing about any job site is the immediacy,” Rohnsaid. “People can search the sites, send in their resumes and getquick responses. You can find what you want quickly and dosomething about it.”
Web sites help students, companies
October 15, 2004