University Police Department officers responded early Sundaymorning to a theft of five pottery pieces taken from theUniversity’s Rural Life Museum.
The theft allegedly occurred between noon Sunday, Sept. 19 and8:15 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 26, with the value of the stolen potteryapproximating between $20,000 and $30,000, LSUPD Maj. Ricky Adamssaid in a press release.
LSUPD Maj. Ricky Adams is leading the investigation for thetheft.
“We are continuing an investigation and working with the RuralLife personnel,” Adams said in an interview.
The police are unsure of the person or persons involved in thecrime.
The Rural Life Museum houses several displays and exhibitscelebrating the day-to-day lifestyles of early Americans. Accordingto the University’s Web site, it is listed as one of the topoutdoor museums in the country.
LSUPD officers urge anyone with information regarding the crimeto contact the police department immediately at 225-578-3231.
Rural Life Museum robbed of pottery
September 29, 2004