The Student Health Center recently added Rehabilitation Servicesto its list of available resources for University students andfaculty.
Certified trainer Riana Burke is available at the Health Centerfour mornings a week to help patients recuperate and regain basicphysical capabilities.
“I do all kinds of stuff,” Burke said. “We see people with ACLinjuries from intramural sports, chronic back pain, ankle sprains,shin splints and post-operation.”
Rehabilitation services had been housed in the Rec Center foryears, but recently was moved because of limited space there.
Burke said the transition has left her with a smaller area towork than previous trainers have had.
“I’ve had to get a little creative,” Burke said. “(The RecCenter) had, I think, eight tables. Here we have two. The oldtrainer had access to the weight room. She could walk up with themto do bench press or whatever, whereas I have to tell them to go tothe Rec Center and do squats and leg extensions, but I can’t gowith them.”
The transition was a mutual decision by the Rec Center and theStudent Health Center, said Mike Giles, associate director of theDepartment of Recreational Sports.
“While determining the extent of our expansion and renovation ofthe Rec, all areas were evaluated, including the training room,”Giles said.
“I believe that a student will receive the same high level ofrecovery at the Health Center as they would here at the Rec,” hesaid. “Actually, the service has been increased because the patientis now actually closer to a physician than they were at theRec.”
Giles said all the equipment used at the Rec Center trainingroom was moved to the Student Health Center. He said the room atthe Rec Center was especially large, but the new space was “morethan adequate” to meet students’ needs.
Kevin Paul, a Ph.D. student in kinesiology, currently isundergoing rehabilitation for a torn rotator cuff. Paul said he hasused Rehabilitation Services at the University twice.
“Four years ago, I shattered my knuckle and had to go to rehabat the Rec Center,” Paul said. “They had rehab there 10 or 12 yearsago when I was here the first time.”
White, a self-described “weekend warrior gone wrong,” said theRec Center was better equipped for rehabilitation.
“They’ve got a swimming pool over there if you can’t doweight-bearing exercises,” said White. “There’s definitely moreover there.”
Burke said business has been brisk since the relocation, despitethe close quarters.
“My schedule is booked for the next three weeks,” she said.”It’s completely free. Students do have access to the Rec Center,so I can give them home exercise programs and they can go and dostuff on their own.”
Burke is in the health center Monday, Wednesday, Thursday andFriday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Rehab Services relocates to Health Center
September 9, 2004