“High Life, High Tech and High Expectations” is not whatSouthgate Tower residents have recieved thus far. After a delayedmove-in, many residents are living in a virtually unfinished highrise tower. Southgate Towers, located south of campus on NicholsonDrive, is Baton Rouge’s newest high-rise luxury community.
According to Angela Mistretta, a Southgate Tower leasingspecialist, one tower is now occupied by residents and it is unsurewhen the rest of the towers will be available for tenants.
Residents were originally scheduled to move in on Monday, August9. Unfortunately, due to a delay in construction, tenants were notable to move in until noon on Sunday, August 15. Though uponarrival, residents were not able to recieve their keys becausebuilding inspectors had not completed inspections on all of theunits. Finally, after being delayed another few hours, residentsfinally recieved their keys and were able to begin moving theirbelongings into their respective units. That is when residentsdiscovered the reality of living in an ufinished building.
One feature listed on the Southgate Web site,www.southgatetowers.com, is stained concrete floors in each unit.Though, upon entering their new home, some residents discoveredimproperly finished floors and patched cracks in the concrete thatleft obvious stripes down the middle of some rooms. Another featurelisted on the Web site was stainless steel appliances, however someunits contained a mixture of black refrigerators and stoves withwhite dishwashers and microwaves. Southgate officials toldresidents that appliances would be changed out to all black onblack appliances as soon as possible. Not only were there cosmeticissues with the units, but there were utiltiy issues as well.Residents discovered that in some of the units, only certain roomshad electricity. Fortunately, electricians were on hand to attemptto fix the problems and were in and out of tenants units throughoutthe day trying to turn the electicity on. The electricity was notthe only issue. Cable, internet and phone lines were not hooked upeither even though all utilities are included in rent. Though,Southgate officials did inform residents prior to moving in thatthose features would not be available yet.
Southgate Towers is not yet complete. Though, upon completion ofthe entire project, it will be “High Life, High Tech, HighExpectations,” according to their advertising slogan. Some of thefeatures that it will include are an outdoor pool, meditationgardens, an urban herb garden and a concierge service along withdining and shopping on site. There will also be condominiums thatare available for purchase, which are expected to be occupied byDecember of 2005, according to Southgate Towers’ Web site.
Southgate Towers not living up to advertising promises
August 23, 2004