Two conflicting campus politicalorganizations have one main goal as they prepare for the upcomingpresidential election — getting students to vote.
The College Republican Alliance and theCollege Democrats are gearing up for the Nov. 2 election withsimilar campaigning plans for the election, but both areencouraging students to register to vote.
Ryan Berni, College Democrats president,said the organization registered 1,000 new voters last year, mostin Free Speech Alley alone.
”Hopefully we’ll be doing twice that[this year] because of the presidential election,” he said.
Berni said during the Louisianagubernatorial election last year, the organization was in FreeSpeech Alley three to four days a week. This semester they willhand out Kerry-Edwards bumper stickers, buttons and campaignmaterials — as well as voter registration cards.
Chris Boudreaux, president of CRA, saidthey also will be in Free Speech Alley with Bush-Cheney bumperstickers and voter registration cards.
”It looks like we’ll get out there atleast one day per week, alternating days,” he said. “That way wemake sure folks at least have a chance to stop by and get bumperstickers.”
The bumper stickers are the familiarpurple and gold Bush-Cheney stickers the club introduced inMarch.
Boudreaux said they continue to bepopular — they have given out 20,000 stickers and are orderingmore for the fall semester.
The organization has sent stickers allover the country, he said.
Boudreaux said the bumper stickers alsowill be given out at tailgating events at certain home footballgames.
Berni said the College Democrats alsowill hold tailgating events, where they will hand out purple andgold “Geaux Kerry” bumper stickers.
Berni said the “Geaux Kerry” stickersalso are popular — the 3,500 they ordered were gone within a week.Berni also said they are ordering more.
Although they will hold events at a fewgames, the Sept. 4 home football game against Oregon State will bethe kickoff game for the College Democrats.
”For the first game, we’re going to havetailgating with jambalaya and drinks,” Berni said. “We’re going tohave people from the community — volunteers and our members –pass out bumper stickers and be visible on campus during thatgame.”
CRA is having a kickoff event also, onSept. 1 at Bogie’s Bar and Grill.
”It’s really honestly for everybody tocome out and have a good time and pick up info about the campaign,”Boudreaux said. “It’s a kick back and get ready for thesemester-type party.”
Both organizations plan on havingspeakers from their political party at their weekly meetings.
The College Democrats also are having arally in downtown Baton Rouge, complete with bands and speakersfrom the Democratic Party, scheduled for mid-September.
But as the two organizations rally fordifferent candidates, their common goal is to allow students’voices to be heard in the election.
Jessica Perez, vice president of theCollege Democrats, said they are pushing to get students toabsentee vote.
”Students are being forced to attendclass on election day, which drastically decreases the chance thatstudents will be able to vote,” she said. “As a reaction to that,the College Democrats will be focusing our energies on absenteevoting — especially since most students will be registered to votein their home town and won’t be able to travel back.”
Both organizations will have forms fromthe Secretary of State’s office available, which students can mailin to receive their absentee ballot.
The College Democrats and CRA are opento anyone interested. Both organizations have weekly meetings –The College Democrats rotate on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, while CRAhas meetings every Tuesday.
More information about the organizationsand their events can be found at their Web sites, www.cralsu.comand
Campus political organizations urge absentee voting
August 25, 2004