The University is being served a lawsuit filed by a student in November 2003 citing discrimination because of her blindness.
The suit was brought forth in a federal court by former resident assistant Meleah Jensen, an education senior.
Jensen filed the suit after allegedly being demoted from her position as resident assistant because she is blind.
Jensen said in a Dec. 3, 2003 Reveille article that on Aug. 7 she was going to RA training when Todd Clark, Residential Life assistant director, gave her a letter saying she was being “demoted to office assistant and that she would have to move out of her dorm room in Beauregard Hall.”
She said the letter informed her she was being removed from her position because her blindness prohibited her from performing essential tasks of RA.
Jensen recently said she was upset when she first heard she was being removed from her position.
Her lawsuit said that as a result of her demotion, she suffered lost pay and benefits, lost earning capacity, suffered mental anguish, emotional distress and the loss of enjoyment of life.
She said her sole purpose for filing the lawsuit against the University is to get back the position that was given to her.
“Basically, I am asking to be reinstated in the position and whatever else would be allowed by the law,” Jensen said.
She also said she hopes to make a difference for other resident assistants.
Scott Lebara, Jensen’s attorney, said his local counsel is in the process of serving the University with the lawsuit.
Lebara said he will soon contact the representatives of the University to discuss the lawsuit with them.
Jensen said the University has not contacted her to discuss her case.
The University did not have to respond to him or Jensen when the lawsuit was first filed, Labara said. Now that the lawsuit has been served, the University has 20 days to respond with its defense.
“Potentially speaking, they [the University] can allege that the reason they terminated Meleah wasn’t because of a disability reason,” he said. “Who knows how they will choose to defend their-selves.”
Lebara said the University will argue that Jensen was terminated because they felt her blindness would keep her from performing her job well.
Jensen and Lebara said they would like to settle the case before it goes to court, but it is difficult to determine if this will happen.
Lebara said Todd Gaudin, a Baton Rouge attorney, will assist with her case.
Jensen needed an attorney who is a member of the Bar in her judicial district, Lebara said. Gaudin does not specialize in discriminatory cases.
He also said Jensen will seek monetary damages from the University.
Holly Houk, University Relations associate director, said the University does not comment on pending litigation.
RA files law suit after loss of position
January 22, 2004