The University is renovating several campus dorms this summerwhile student residents are away.
Lejeune, Jackson and Broussard Halls are undergoing “majorconstruction,” said Joe Hitt, assistant manager of ResidentialLife.
Lejeune and Jackson Halls are part of the Pentagon.
Charles Wilson, a project supervisor for Arrighi SimoneauxContractors, said the two buildings are receiving new stairwellsand doors.
“We did the same thing in Beaureguard four years ago,” Wilsonsaid. Beaureguard Hall is another building in the Pentagon.
Hitt said the rain last week set the construction back, but theconstruction company will complete the project in time for studentsto move in for the fall semester.
In addition to Pentagon renovations, the University iscompletely renovating Broussard Hall, Hitt said.
Students have not lived permanently in Broussard Hall in threeyears, Hitt said.
The Information Technology Residential College, previously inGraham Hall, will move to Broussard Hall this fall semester, hesaid. Graham Hall is set for demolition in September.
Hitt said most of the construction involves changing what wasformerly a cafeteria into IT classrooms.
Residential Life has been planning the renovation of BroussardHall for more than a year, and construction started at the end ofspring, Hitt said.
Hitt said IT Residential College students will have firstpriority, but other students can live in Broussard Hall aswell.
Hitt also said there is a “good chance” the IT ResidentialCollege will remain in Broussard Hall when the University completesconstruction of the new Graham Hall.
In addition to adding classrooms, the University is renovatingBroussard Hall dorm rooms with new flooring, paint, fire alarmsystems, sprinkler systems and windows, Hitt said.
Wilson said the construction company also is building a newlounge, laundry room, break room, handicapped bathrooms and newshowers.
Wilson said the renovations include two phases.
The first phase is the renovation of dorm rooms, which will becomplete Aug. 9, he said.
The second phase includes renovating the former cafeteria insidethe dorm into a lounge and classrooms, which will be complete bySept. 17.
Hitt said students will be able to move in for the fallsemester.
However, Wilson expects the the first phase of construction toend a week in advance and the second phase three weeks inadvance.
Hitt said students moving into Broussard Hall will have anadvantage.
“I think it will be a great benefit coming in, knowing safetysystems are working,” Hitt said. “And everybody likes fresh paintand carpet.”
Hitt said the summer normally is the time when dorms arerenovated because not as many students live on campus. Acadian Hallis closed for the summer because the University is repainting theentire interior. Paint jobs in the East Campus Apartments and partof Highland Hall are also underway, he said.
Dorm Renovations Underway
June 29, 2004