Salt & Straw via AP
This image provided by Salt & Straw to AP Photo shows a variety of the West Coast ice creamery's unique flavors.
Life is short, but the days are long. Small wins are so important, and it doesn’t matter when or how you celebrate yourself. I feel more successful and productive throughout my day if I know I have a little time to myself. I think, ultimately, life is about being able to give yourself to others in healthy ways and being able to give the same amount right back to yourself.
Recently, I had an encounter that reignited my passion for sweet treats and self-care. I was talking to a superior, after being sick for quite a while because I was concerned about my performance. Seeking guidance, might I add, but all I got was her unhelpful attitude. I felt a little discouraged by what she had to say. It really got me thinking that maybe if she treated herself more, she wouldn’t be so bitter.
My love for sweet treats runs deep. I can be a people pleaser and a little passive, but ultimately, if you put me in a comprisable position, I’ll always choose myself. These characteristics have allowed me to stand up for myself more, express myself without fear, and be a little kinder to others around me.
I wear a lot of hats. I am a student, a daughter, an employee and a confidante. Everyone has their own individual journeys that affect how they go about their day and treat other people around them. I’ve encountered many people who have not been the most pleasant, including some people in roles of authority.
Their attitude, for lack of a better term, kills the vibe for everyone around them. And every time, I’ll tell myself, “They need to treat themselves.” I don’t use the phrase sweet treat exclusively for an actual cake or pastry but rather as a general title for anything that someone does for themselves that gives a certain dopamine rush.
Even on social media, I’ve learned that viewers really don’t invest time in themselves. I can tell from their comments that they lack self-awareness and interests. If you take the time out of your day to treat yourself, you can learn more about what you really like and dislike. That might sound like a reach, but I think the connection between the two is relatively similar. Just like if you were to take a person out you’re romantically interested in, think of yourself as that person.
Now, this also introduces an amount of privilege that the majority of society does not get the luxury of, especially with the economy hindering certain marginalized groups.
Nevertheless, I don’t want to discuss the details of what you can’t do for yourself, but I want you to focus and hone in on what elevates your everyday life. For me, it’s really looking forward to my last class ending because I know there is a vending machine with Dr. Pepper that I will reward myself with after having made it to and participated in class. If I can squeeze in the smallest amount of me time into my 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. schedule, I will.
Even if you’re 30+ and in year 7 of the relationship that just won’t end, do you also think you’ll reflect on spending an extra six bucks on a fun drink every day? Nope, and I won’t either.
Blair Bernard is a 21-year-old theater performance major from Lafayette, La.