Nearly every day I drive through the LSU campus, twice a day on Highland Road. Due to heavy vehicle and foot traffic, I always observe the 25 mph speed limit. There are times it’s advisable (IMO) to go under that posted limit.
Something that I consider dangerous and inconsiderate is the number of people on foot that will ignore the crosswalk signs and stream across the intersection in front of oncoming traffic.
Some “dart” across, while many maintain a somewhat leisurely stride requiring oncoming traffic to slow or stop. Likewise, many students dart to cross where there is no crosswalk or signs to do so.
I’m baffled how anyone could be so inconsiderate and unsafe. In the past, there have been students hurt due to carelessness on their part and, on the part of unsafe motorists.
Does it take something that terrible happening to get everyone’s attention? All I ask is anyone walking or driving on campus be more aware, courteous and safe.
Letter to the Editor: Drivers and pedestrians alike need to be more cautious
November 6, 2024
Traffic comes to a halt Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022, on Highland Road in Baton Rouge, LA.