Monday, Nov. 11
Veterans Day Flag Ceremony | Regional Veterans Park
In honor of Veteran’s day, a flag raising ceremony will be in Regional Veterans’ Park at Lane Regional Medical Center’s campus, located at 6300 Main St.
The annual flag raising ceremony will take place with retired Army veteran, Lieutenant Colonel Darren Spears and Iraq veteran Bryan Powell, who will make a speech. Cadets of the Army Junior ROTC from Zachary High will accompany the Boy Scout troops to provide the flag detail.
This ceremony is to honor all the veterans and to commemorate them in their service and sacrifice for our country.
Tuesday, Nov. 12
Holiday Fraud | East Baton Rouge Parish Library
A workshop at East Baton Rouge Parish Library will inform the public on fraudulent activity occurring in the increasing online market. This workshop is to educate the public on preventative measures one can use to avoid fraud around the holidays, upon upcoming festivities.
AARP is hosting this event to hopefully decrease the likelihood of consumers overtaken by the latest scams on the market and make for a successful cyber monday shopping experience.
Wednesday, Nov. 13
Women’s Self- Defense Class | LSU UREC
An Equalizer Women’s self-defense class is being offered for free to LSU’s students, faculty and staff for a chance to become educated on self-defense.
The LSU police Department is hosting a class to teach women the valuable techniques of self-defense, as well as how to identify and implement situational awareness. The class will run from 5:00 8:00 p.m. in the UREC classrooms on LSU’s campus. This course must be signed up for and can be found on the LSU police services website.
Thursday, Nov. 14
Red Rooster Bash | Rural Life Museum
LSU’s Rural Life Museum is hosting its annual Red Rooster Bash. This event consists of an evening of classical music, food and signature cocktails, such as the Red Rooster cocktail.
Tickets must be purchased through the LSU Rural Life Museum to participate in this cocktail evening, which begins at 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to enjoy company, music and the ambiance of the Rural Life Museum.
Friday, Nov. 15
World PickleBall Tour | BREC Community Park
The World Pickleball Tour is hosting a tournament at the BREC Greenwood Community Park Tennis Center, on court 16, in Baton Rouge.
This is a strictly amateur tournament tour in which individuals of all age brackets can register to participate in eight guaranteed matches. Winners of this tournament will achieve the gold medalists status. The gold medalists are then invited to compete at the International Championship, which pits the best players in the country to compete for the $175,000 cash prize.
Further information regarding the details of this tournament can be found on its website and all events commence at 8 a.m.
Saturday, Nov. 16
Violet Show | Garden Center
From 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., the Baton Rouge Garden Center at 7950 Independence Blvd is hosting Giving Thanks for Violets. This event is free and open to the public.
The showcased violet will be the African Violet as well as many other rare plants. Starter plants will be available for purchase and members will be available to offer information on how to own and sustain life of your new purchase.
Sunday, Nov. 17
Charlotte’s Web | Manship Theatre
The Manship Theatre Shaw Center For The Arts at 100 Lafayette St. is showcasing a musical theater production of Charlotte’s Web.
The show commences at 2 p.m. and tickets are available on their website. This show takes a creative perspective on the classic story of Charlotte’s Web in which bluegrass music and a creative set is featured.
This week in BR: Veteran’s Day, Pickleball tour and the Red Rooster Bash
November 10, 2024
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