Monday, Oct. 28
Corn Maze | LSU Burden Gardens
In honor of the last night of the Burden Corn Maze, come to the Burden Museum and Gardens on 4560 Essen Lane, in Baton Rouge. Tickets are $15 per person where one can experience the corn maze, sunflower fields, a pumpkin patch, petting farm, hayrides and more. From 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. or from 2:30 p.m. – 4:20 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 29
Early Voting Ends| Louisiana
Early voting for the 2024 public election officially ends on Tuesday. This pre-polling process is for convenience to vote prior to public election day. Voting can be taken remotely or in person at designated early voting stations.
The goals of early voting are to hopefully increase participation, to eliminate some inconvenience in wait times for the actual election day or to avoid discrimination from those unable to vote on the official election day.
A valid driver’s license is needed and voting in person must be in the city of your Louisiana residence.
Wednesday, Oct. 30
The Bill of Obligations Series | The Main Library at Goodwood
A library series to educate the public on the Bill of Rights is offered from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. at 7711 Goodwood Boulevard in Baton Rouge. This Wednesday, the focus is titled “The Ten Habits of Good Citizens” in which the promotion of the common good and putting the country first is discussed.
The focus of this public discussion is to inform the public on their obligations as American citizens and actions that can be taken to ensure an American’s fundamental rights are protected.
Thursday, Oct. 31
49 Winchester | Texas Club
49 Winchester’s “Leavin This Holler Tour”, with John R. Miller, is coming to the Texas Club Halloween night for a country halloween party. Tickets range from $20 to $180 and must be purchased on the Texas Club website. Beginning at 8:45 p.m., everyone is encouraged to enjoy music in their best halloween attire.
Friday, Nov. 1
Golf Tournament | Topgolf
A non-profit, Baton Rouge Capital Conflict Office, is hosting this tournament at Topgolf in Baton Rouge at 10 a.m. Team sign ups can be found on Topgolf’s website, and all proceeds go towards protective equipment for law enforcement officials distributed by agencies that offer support for families who are victims of loss or crisis afflicted on them by injustices within the police system.
Saturday, Nov. 2
121’s Dueling Pianos | The 121
Two pianists, with performing group 88 Reasons, battle in a live performance playing songs of all genres and taking song requests. This is an interactive experience at The 121 Convention Street Baton Rouge from 7 p.m. – 11 p.m.
This Dueling Piano play-off performance is expected to be high energy and catered to the audience’s preferences in music choices. Tickets can be purchased online and range from $10-$300.
Sunday Nov. 3
Beer Fest | Cap City
Cap City is hosting a festival of beer-tasting, showcasing national, local and international craft beers. This dog friendly event will also include food trucks, live music, games and other activities to accompany the primary beer tasting events.
Proceeds from this festival will be donated the Companion Animal Alliance, an Animal Shelter in the Baton Rouge area. The City Cap Beer Fest is located on Spanish Town Road on 4th street and tickets are $45 each.
This week in BR: Corn maze, Beer Fest and early voting ends
October 28, 2024
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