Payton Prichard
LSU students sled down the back of the Journalism Building on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025, on LSU campus in Baton Rouge, La.
The streets of Baton Rouge were silent on Jan. 21 other than the sound of college students’ laughter as they took on record-breaking snowfall.
For the past week, Baton Rouge residents have been patiently waiting to see if the forecast for snow would be true. The general consensus was that it was going to be heavy, wet snow, not a winter storm that would turn the city that was just 70 degrees into a winter wonderland.
While some people stayed inside to enjoy the warmth of their homes, many made the great migration towards the levee to sled down the powdery white hill. Living in Baton Rouge, most are not equipped for snow sledding. For those thinking of heading over to the Mississippi River before the snow melts, here’s some inspiration for the objects used to sled on:
Cardboard boxes and trashbags
These were the most accessible and widely used objects seen. The cardboard boxes were not the most efficient but did the job as people tumbled down. If you slide fast enough, before the snow begins to melt your box, then you’re doing it right; however, trash bags make for a quicker ride through the snow.
Plastic containers and trash can lids
A plastic container or anything like it is practically a snow sled, at least in Louisiana. This was another widely used device to make it to the bottom of the levee. Some used the container itself, or just its lid. Those who were able to use trash can lids had similar luck, which was a solid sled but not the best.
Pool floats
This was a common “sled” seen on Monday afternoon at the levee, as colorful tubes and floats were being dragged through the snow. These floats were probably some of least affected sleds as the strong winds kept blowing them away once their rider got off.
Some people were willing to risk it all, the risk being ruining their mattresses. Discarded beds were seen in various places across the levee. Others chose to use an air mattress to slide down on their stomachs. Both seemed to work pretty well.
Kayaks and paddleboards
Why do we have kayaks and paddle boards in our college apartments? We know you are not touching that lake. The makeshift boats finally came to use this week as probably one of the most efficient vessels for sledding.
Actual sleds and snowboards
Again, why do we have these things when the majority of the year here is boiling hot? On Tuesday, the garage space being taken up by a snow sled was not so bad after all. People were getting creative with these as they made DIY ramps out of folding tables or went down three at a time. Others were being pulled by a truck or ATV down the road.
It’s hard to deny that this was once-in-a-lifetime snow in Baton Rouge. Even if it won’t be as powdery and soft as day one, take advantage of what is left. Have some fun this week while classes are cancelled and the roads are closed by sledding down the levee.